Bobby Jasoos the movie
After being shunned by all, she decides on opening her own firm. She is pretty much a flop at it till one day a rich man gives her big bucks to solve a case. It seems that Bobby gets lured by money into a path of misdeeds. Can Bobby clear her conscience off it and fix it all right? The movie holds the secret of it all.
Bobby Jassos is indeed a wonderfully pleasant charmer. The actors played their parts beautifully, the location was spot on, the pace of the film was just right. I agree with you on the song thing, which the movie could absolutely do without. I wonder what kind of business this movie did- was it able to recover at least its production cost? I find it sad and dissapointing that such a nice movie made about a strong, independent woman from a conservative Muslim family does not find many takers in our country.
Samar, a debut director, has come out with a decent film. He would do well to choose his scripts wisely -- ones that have a complete story. For all the fun that Vidya is, Bobby Jasoos ends up a bit too abrupt -- in the end, we don't know if Bobby eventually became a professional jasoos. We also don't know what happened to the Ali-Vidya love story.
It must indeed be a difficult task to make a film with a woman at its center. So difficult are they to write stories around them that the movies have to be padded with a romantic track, a couple of songs and so on. Such a shame. Even so, Bobby Jasoos tries. Not only does it try to make a woman-based story work it tries to highlight how life of women in India is kept from reaching its potential. The question then is, can you watch a movie for an attempt at making a woman-centric film?
Bobby Jasoos is an adorable movie. It is not flawless; there is a measure of lazy scripting and plot elements that don't stand up to rigorous thought. But I do not feel inclined to be especially critical of it.
Movies like this are still fairly rare, though thankfully they are no longer unheard of. By \"movies like this\" I mean a movie about the self-actualization of a woman, a movie in which a woman has agency and makes decisions based upon her own ambitions and desires. I was very critical of Aiyyaa, which some people thought was a stellar example of such a movie; it missed the mark for me in a few crucial ways. In contrast I reacted to English Vinglish and Queen with as much emotion as analysis, and was very happy to overlook their flaws and just revel in the warmth and satisfaction of them. Bobby Jasoos is not as substantial as any of these - it is perhaps less ambitious. But it is a delight. It may not do everything right, but it makes no grave mistakes from a feminist perspective - there is no cringe-worthy, film-ruining misstep that undermines what is enjoyable and refreshing about it. That sounds like a low bar, but I don't mean it to be. I kept expecting an error analogous to the movie-killing ending of Ghanchakkar, except in the form of a spasm of an anti-feminism rather than a spasm of violence. It's all too easy for mainstream stories to be tone-deaf when it comes to women's agency, and Bobby Jasoos avoids a lot of potential pitfalls. (Remember Lajja, where three hours of stories of fierce, fiery women are capped by a big, strong, deus ex machina of a man who steps in with a machete to save the day for them?)
I am surprised at this point by this fact: as much as I adore Vidya Balan, I am here talking about Ali Fazal first, before singing Vidya's praises. Ali Fazal is an absolute revelation in this role, the most adorable, appealing male lead I have seen in, well, as long as I can think of. There is not an atom of arrogance in his bearing or in the arc of the romance. The audience understands that he is in love with Bobby several scenes before he does. And from the moment that awareness dawns, he is all vulnerability and sincerity, none of the bravado or entitlement that so often characterizes filmi heroes in love. He is just a pleasure to watch. It's hard to believe that a guy could upstage Vidya Balan - Vidya Balan! - in my reflections on a movie but Ali Fazal as Tasavur comes as close as anyone could. Watch Bobby Jasoos if just for this guy.
You'd like to think a movie about a detective would have at its heart a satisfying mystery, but here Bobby Jasoos falls especially short; this part of the story doesn't quite hang together. The script reaches an apogee of laziness in the final third, where Bobby picks up clues out of earshot from the audience. But the weakness of the mystery doesn't torpedo the film, which as I noted is more about Bobby's relationships than the details of her sleuthing. And the big win of Bobby Jasoos is that neither of these relationships requires a compromise of Bobby's autonomy to find its resolution. In a key scene in which Tasavur finds himself defending Bobby to his own father, Tasavur says that her drive and career-mindedness are what makes her special. Nor does rapprochement between Bobby and her father come with any promise, explicit or implicit, that Bobby will mutate into a different kind of person. That is the sense in which Bobby Jasoos most succeeds: Bobby gets to be Bobby, and remain Bobby - 30 years old, driven, part stupid, part smart, good-hearted, a fully actualized human being.
Bobby Jasoos boils down to one of the worst climaxes I have ever watched. It is an end for the sake of an end, not because the story demands it to be so; and even though it is present, it does not serve its purpose. Bad songs, bad subplots, shabby direction make Bobby Jasoos a very, very confused film that is slightly better than a bearable watch only because of the strong heroine and the talented cast. Bobby might prove to be a good jasoos, but Bobby Jasoos has no clue about where it is going.
The movie, which begins on a promising but languid note as a thriller set in a vibrant metropolis such as Hyderabad, morphs into a reluctant love story. Bobby gets side-tracked and the climax scenes, which should ideally be a crackling clincher to the mystery, come across as an afterthought. The suspense to the drama was so lame that we felt bad for the feisty Bobby and Balan: both deserved a riveting, gripping ending.
Bobby Jasoos focuses on the life of a girl from Hyderabad. Bobby has this unique aspiration to be a detective and tries her luck at the local detective agency. But they are reluctant to hire a girl and thus Bobby is forced to take very silly cases that involve spying. One day a big fish comes to meet her and starts to offer her big money for just finding certain people from her town. In the beginning it was all cool for Bobby, but from one point Bobby goes after the man who uses her for these purposes and the movie mainly focuses on this hunt of Bobby.
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