Crusader Kings 2 Gay Marriage
Crusader Kings 2 Gay Marriage
Marriage is a different kind of big deal. It's treated as a milestone for adults who want to tie the knot. It's also treated as a milestone for children, where it involves the legal recognition of a new family unit. However, unlike adoption, being legally married does not necessarily entail giving up your biological child. In most states (and many religious communities), married parents are legally required to support their biological children. (Think about how many parents of adopted children think their adoptive families would be better off if they weren't legally obligated to support them.)
Looking around at the discussion here, I'm starting to wonder if there's a bias towards abortion, and hence against gay marriage, in the general discussions we have over there? I've only ever posted in that thread myself and haven't been able to see much discussion of gay marriage outside of it.
I'm not sure what's going on over there, and could be wrong about this, but I get the impression that the taboo over abortion is a lot more culturally entrenched than the one over gay marriage, which is (I think) seen as a purely political matter.
Same-sex marriage (as opposed to single people having the option of marrying) is, to my mind, not only more moral, but more realistic. I have to imagine that even in our current age, most people don't have the option of marrying their same-sex partners.
Con el ttulo de Un mundo raro, el cineasta se inspira en una frase del cantante mexicano, Alfredo Jiminez, que dice: “Quando me encuentro con alguien que es bueno, no pienso: ‘No es bueno, es raro’, me digo ‘no es raro’”. Con el ttulo de Un mundo raro, el cineasta mexicano explica el proceso de la creación de su pelicula, y explica que el ttulo es una parodia del mundo de la telenovela mexicana y de la televisión. Explica que el ttulo es una parodia del mundo en la televisión y del crimen organizado en México. Explica que el ttulo hace referencia a una canción de Jos Alfredo Jiménez en la que la cantante anuncia que cada vez que ve a una persona buena, no piensa: “No es buena, es rara”, que piensa: “No es rara”. 827ec27edc