Django , Interpolate Two Strings In A template
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Jinja2 doesn't support Django templates i18n tags or any other i18nfunctionality out of the box. There is also a command line tool in Django thatscans your project and produces a .po file with translationstrings. Unfortunately, it only works with the default Django templates outof the box. The following should help solve those problems.
At this point Django will translate the i18n strings in Jinja2 templatesif those strings are present in .po and .motranslation files. We can collect the strings manually, but it takes time andis error-prone. So let's leverage Django makemessages commandto do this for us. As I said, it doesn't work with Jinja2 templates out ofthe box and there is no clean way to enable the support, so we'll resortto a few hacks in order to make this work. As I searched for the solutionI stumbled upon a django-jinja project which actually solved this problem.Howeverinstead of using the whole project, I'm going to extractthis single feature:put the code inside the {project_root}/{app_name}/management/commands/ file:
This code, basically, overrides the builtin makemessages command to add Jinja2support and falls back to the default command when it deals with Djangotemplates. In order to collect the translation strings inside a .pofile, go to an app directory that you want to translate, make sure there isa locale directory inside this app ({app_name}/locale)and run django-admin makemessages -l {locale_name},where {locale_name} is an actual locale name,like de. If you followed the steps, you will have a {app_name}/locale/{locale_name}/LC_MESSAGES/django.potranslation file that contains the strings from Jinja2 templates that you'llneed to translate. Having a .po file is not enough though,so once you've provided the translations, run in the app directory:
Now, when you load a page you have an access to gettext, interpolate anda bunch of other i18n functions.Adapt your strings to use those functions and when finished Django willbe able to collect those strings into a .po file.Once again, go to an app folder and run:
The client side i18n integration works smoothly, but we still need to makean extra request to get the client side code. This is fine in most scenarios.However, we usedjango-assetspackage which takes all the assets and minifiesthem into a single file to reduce the size and the number of requests tothe server. We also leverage CDN services to distribute assets to data centersaround the globe. Out of the box JavaScriptCatalog view generates a codethat contains translation strings for a single language only. We can't reallycache this to support automatic language detection on page load. We can howeversolve those problems by moving the code into a Django management command. This generates a static file with the i18n code, that includes translationsfor every locale that we support. We can then minify the assets at a buildtime and serve them via CDN, while a client will be able to pick the righttranslations because they are all included in this file.
Standard Python string joins (''.join([...])) will not work on listscontaining lazy translation objects. Instead, you can usedjango.utils.translation.string_concat(), which creates a lazy object thatconcatenates its contents and converts them to strings only when the resultis included in a string. For example:
Django offers many utility functions (particularly in django.utils) thattake a string as their first argument and do something to that string. Thesefunctions are used by template filters as well as directly in other code.
This script runs over your project source tree or your application source tree andpulls out all strings marked for translation. It creates (or updates) a messagefile in the directory locale/LANG/LC_MESSAGES. In the de example, thefile will be locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po.
The easiest way out is to store applications that are not part of the project(and so carry their own translations) outside the project tree. That way, makemessages on the project level will only translatestrings that are connected to your explicit project and not strings that aredistributed independently.
You can use the Transifex Native SDK both inside Django templates as well as inside views. Transifex Native SDK supports the ICU Message Format in order to express more complex localization strings.
(The caveat with using variables or computed values, as in the previous twoexamples, is that Django's translation-string-detecting utility, makemessages, won't be able to find these strings. More onmakemessages later.)
Standard Python string joins (''.join([...])) will not work on listscontaining lazy translation objects. Instead, you can usedjango.utils.translation.string_concat(), which creates a lazy objectthat concatenates its contents and converts them to strings only when theresult is included in a string. For example:
The main solution to these problems is the django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog()view, which sends out a JavaScript code library with functions that mimic thegettext interface, plus an array of translation strings. Those translationstrings are taken from applications or Django core, according to what youspecify in either the info_dict or the URL. Paths listed inLOCALE_PATHS are also included.
So far, we've looked at using Template Strings for string substitution and for creating multiline strings. Another powerful feature they bring is tagged templates. Tagged Templates transform a Template String by placing a function name before the template string. For example:
One of the most significant features they bring are tagged templates - a critical feature for authoring such DSLs. They receive the parts of a Template String as arguments and you can then decide how to use the strings and substitutions to determine the final output of your string.
Because the compiler must be involved in evaluating the expressionscontained in the interpolated strings, there must be some way todenote to the compiler which strings should be evaluated. This PEPchose a leading 'f' character preceding the string literal. Thisis similar to how 'b' and 'r' prefixes change the meaning ofthe string itself, at compile time. Other prefixes were suggested,such as 'i'. No option seemed better than the other, so 'f'was chosen.
This error is raised when there is a parsing error in the filter expression. Mostly this should be found by the django template parser. For example, in the code snippet below, the filter force_escape expression is not properly closed.
It is safer to use the HTML() and Text() functions, rather thanconcatenating strings with HTML. An even better solution would be to handleinterpolation with HTML in a proper template, like a Mako template.
In a Mako expression, any interpolation using format() with interpolatedHTML() calls must be preceded by a call to Text(). An expression withinterpolation typically does not begin with HTML() because in a template,any HTML will be either interpolated in or moved out of the expression and intothe outer template HTML.
When interpolating a string containing HTML using a call to format(), youmust wrap the HTML with HTML(). You might see this issue in a Mako templateor a Python file. Also, you might have HTML embedded into a larger string thatfirst needs to be interpolated in. Or, you might already be interpolating insmaller strings containing HTML, but they simply are not yet protected by a callto HTML().
Jinja2 doesn't support Django templates i18n tags or any other i18n functionality out of the box. There is also a command line tool in Django that scans your project and produces a .po file with translation strings. Unfortunately, it only works with the default Django templates out of the box. Here's how to solve those problems.
At this point Django will translate the i18n strings in Jinja2 templates if those strings are present in .po and .mo translation files. We can collect the strings manually but it takes time and is error-prone. Let's leverage Django makemessages command to do this for us. As I said, it doesn't work with Jinja2 templates out of the box and there is no clean way to enable the support, so we'll resort to a few hacks to make this work. As I searched for the solution I stumbled upon a django-jinja project which solved this problem, but instead of using the whole project I'm going to extract this single feature. Put the code inside the {project_root}/{app_name}/management/commands/ file:
There are a number of different ways to format strings in Python, one of which is done using the % operator, which is known as the string formatting (or interpolation) operator. In this article we'll show you how to use this operator to construct strings with a template string and variables containing your data.
The Python interpreter substitutes the first occurrence of %s in the string by the given string "one", and the second %s by the string "two". These %s strings are actually placeholders in our "template" string, and they indicate that strings will be placed there.
The placeholders shown above allow you to format strings by specifying data types in your templates. However, these aren't the only features of the interpolation operator. In the next subsection we'll see how we can pad our strings with spaces using the % operator.
Supporting multiple locales for transactional emails requires some additional considerations for templates and locale strings definition. The proposed approach includes classes and additional tooling to implement i18n transactional emails in Python applications.
Notice that a locale directory has been created within the project. In this, a directory for each language is created. The django.po file has been created within the LC_MESSAGES directory, which contains all strings for translation. We will now see how you can integrate your Django application with your Lokalise account.
While we have spoken extensively about i18n in the back end. In such use cases, you send the translated strings directly to the front end, which you can simply display in the templating engine. You can also translate a string from Django templates. 2b1af7f3a8