Dr. Stone Episode 22
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Several thousand years after a mysterious phenomenon that turns all of humanity to stone, the extraordinarily intelligent, science-driven boy, Senku Ishigami, awakens. Facing a world of stone and the total collapse of civilization, Senku makes up his mind to use science to rebuild the world. Starting with his super strong childhood friend Taiju Oki, who awakened at the same time, they will begin to rebuild civilization from nothing... Depicting two million years of scientific history from the Stone Age to present day, the unprecedented crafting adventure story is about to begin!
People in the U.S. and U.K. will be able to enjoy episode 22 at the same time, as each new chapter of the show is simulcast shortly after it releases in Japan. This newest chapter should debut at 7:30 AM Pacific/10:30 AM Eastern for folks in the U.S. People in the U.K. will be able to watch episode 22 at 3:30 PM.
Meanwhile, the childish, candy-obsessed King Louis is leaving (late) for the chateau of his uncle Duke Dumas with Princess Anne, his disgruntled bride-to-be. Immediately after his departure, Shear arrives and overhears through an open window a discussion between the Royal Mother (Louis' mom, who is ruling France in his name) and Chancellor Richelieu about a "Blue Eye of Gaia" jewel; assuming this to be the Cosmos Stone, she barges in and gets herself in on the search after a "friendly hint" from her Rajasaurus. The Eye was hidden a century ago in the wall of a building from the old regime. Based on the description, a plan is made to demolish the old (and currently in use) orphanage to find it (overheard by the attendant Lady Constance, who goes to warn them), although the Royal Mother plans to double-cross Shear and use the gemstone to let her son rule all of Europe. As the D-Team exits the time vortex, they figure out the connection between Cosmos Stone colors and Dinosaur Elements based on Terry's behavior, Zoe wondering if they'll find the Green Stone for Paris this time.
A sequel to the TV series was announced after the second season's final episode aired.[9] At the Jump Festa 2022 event, it was revealed that a third season will premiere in 2023. A television special titled Dr. Stone: Ryusui that focuses on the character Ryusui Nanami premiered on July 10, 2022. Shūhei Matsushita directed the special, while the rest of the main staff are returning from previous seasons.[10][11] After the airing of the special, the third season's title was revealed to be Dr. Stone: New World, with Matsushita returning to direct. It is set to premiere on April 6, 2023, and will consist of two split cours.[12][13]
In this episode Garden Smart visits Cave Hill Cemetery in Louisville,Kentucky one of the birthplaces of modern landscape architecture. CaveHill has a rich tradition both historically and horticulturally.
Eric first visits with Dr. Samuel Thomas a noted historian, as well asauthor, who's written a beautiful book about Cave Hill Cemetery. Dr.Thomas first came to Cave Hill because he was doing research on GeorgeRogers Clark the founder of Louisville, Kentucky. The cemetery and theheadstones proved valuable because they have dates on them which thenwere helpful in researching obituaries. The cemetery was not the firstin the city but it is the most important. Cemeteries in the earliertimes were laid out in a grid form. The Louisville city fathers decidedthat was an obsolete plan and decided to come to what was at that timeCave Hill Farm and use part of it as a burying ground. The city hiredEdmund Francis Lee to lay this out in 1857. Mr. Lee decided not to doit the old way. Instead he decided to highlight this wonderful, scenicproperty, taking advantage of the water, trees and the natural setting.All added credence and were conducive to the idea that one would layhere for eternity. This was a radical departure from a typical cemeteryof the day. Everything was carefully thought through and designed downto the terracing and the way the monuments were placed in thelandscape. This concept provided more of a garden feel which brings asense of peacefulness and beauty to Cave Hill which is unique. Many ofthe monuments are more works of art than just headstones. We look atone example. It was designed by Robert Launitz from New York City, whowas the father of monumental art in America. It came in parts fromItaly and is made of Carrera marble that was brought over here thenarranged in this cemetery. Knowing some of the history of Cave Hillhelps us understand it better and makes it an even more special place.
One of the larger lakes was originally a limestone quarry which isfitting considering all the stone at the cemetery. Prior to 1900 theyquarried limestone. The local prison would sentence prisoners to theCave Hill quarry. The prisoners would come out with sledgehammers andactually break stone at the quarry. One one occasion the prisoners weredrilling in the base of the quarry with a 20 foot drill when they hitan underground spring. The water came up and filled the quarry andtoday there is 20 to 25 feet of water in there. Top
The headstones and sculptures are beautiful and everywhere at CaveHill. Most of the monuments are works of art. We view the Thompsonmonument which is a monument designed to look like a tree trunk. Theindividual headstones are saw logs, which appear to have come from theoriginal monument. Thompson was in the tree business, thus the motif.Another is a woman, that was killed in an accident 20 years ago, in anightgown. This monument is made of bronze. Another is a smiling Jesuswith children running to Him. This is called Children Come Unto Me.There are many statues made of marble but marble has deteriorated overthe years because of acid rain. Thus some of the earlier pieces weremade of marble, some of the later are made of bronze. They've perfectedbronze techniques for sculptures and one can now get more detail withbronze rather than from marble. All are beautiful and mesh into thegarden beautifully.
We next visit the Rustic Shelter House. It was built in 1882 and is acopy of Marie Antoinette's garden cottage at the Palace of Versaillesin Paris. It's made out of oak bark and the original bark is still onthe building. The guards today use it for shelter as they walk throughthe grounds. Thus they have 120 year old bark that is still in goodcondition. One reason is the building has a limestone foundation andPoplar floor joist. Termites will not climb limestone and they do noteat Poplar. This is just another example of the amount of forethoughtthat has gone into every aspect of this garden. 59ce067264