Human Resource Management By Thakur Publication Aware Operation Comp
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GPUs are extremely effective for several basic DL primitives, which include greatly parallel-computing operations such as activation functions, matrix multiplication, and convolutions [326,327,328,329,330]. Incorporating HBM-stacked memory into the up-to-date GPU models significantly enhances the bandwidth. This enhancement allows numerous primitives to efficiently utilize all computational resources of the available GPUs. The improvement in GPU performance over CPU performance is usually 10-20:1 related to dense linear algebra operations.
International or national productivity growth stems from a complex interaction of factors. Some of the most important immediate factors include technological change, organizational change, industry restructuring and resource reallocation, as well as economies of scale and scope. A nation's average productivity level can also be affected by the movement of resources from low-productivity to high-productivity industries and activities. Over time, other factors such as research and development and innovative effort, the development of human capital through education, and incentives from stronger competition promote the search for productivity improvements and the ability to achieve them. Ultimately, many policy, institutional and cultural factors determine a nation's success in improving productivity.
Engagement is a measure where inputs vary in the overall engagement equation across organizations. One company cannot necessarily imitate the engagement practices or use the engagement variables of another to achieve success. The job of managers and human resources professionals responsible for engagement is to know that there are generational differences, and that the engagement drivers for their company will not always be the same as their leading competitor, business partner, or parent company. By buying into this notion, leaders should begin conversations in their own organizations in pushing to learn which drivers they can adjust to increase engagement, and which drivers they must protect to prevent decreases in engagement across generations.
Aggarwal & Thakur (2013) illuminated several appraisal methods such as: Ranking method, graphic rating, critical incident, narrative essays and management by objectives, human resource accounting and others.
The HR department should manage its functions and practices effectively to improve its performance and the overall performance of the organization. Therefore, HR needs to minimize the operational cost of its activities and provide excellent service to internal and external customers. Bai (2013) emphasized the importance of making sure that all HR activities are concentrated on the objectives of the organization to have the effective SHRM system. Activities that are not meeting this goal need to be improved. Agarwala (2003) agreed that management of human resources must move from traditional programs to a new system of work that fits the specific needs and objectives of an organization and link HR practices with the business needs of the organization. Jain & Gupta (2012) underlined the indicators for effective HRM outcomes which include: Employee satisfaction, employee motivation, employee trust, employee commitment and employee loyalty. Hence, the company should maintain a work environment that supports the satisfaction, commitment and motivation of employees. Noe et al. (2010) pointed out that managers at organizational level should be able to define effective HRM practices to help the company enhance customer satisfaction and gain competitive advantages.
Atteya (2012) analysed the impact of human resource management practices on job performance. The population consisted of 549 supervisors in the petroleum industry in Egypt. Findings revealed a significant positive impact of HRM practices on job performance and the mediating role of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, quitting intention, negative word of mouth and organizational citizenship behaviour. Loo & Beh (2013) probed the relationship between SHRM practices and organization performance. The target population consisted of non-executives, executives, managers and top management from seven headquarters of the Malaysian insurance industry operating in Klang Valley. Findings revealed that performance appraisal, internal communication, SHRM alignment in the organization and career planning were the best judges of firm performance. Al-bahussin & El-Garaihy (2013) explored the impact of human resource management practices, organizational culture, organizational innovation and knowledge management on organizational performance. The study population consisted of 203 human resource directors working in large organizations in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia. Results showed that human resource management is an important antecedent of organizational culture, knowledge management and organizational innovation. On the other hand, it has been found that human resource management practices positively impact organizational performance.
Bisharat et al. (2016) examined the influence of HRM practices on the organizational commitment in Jordanian chain pharmacies. The data was collected through a self-structured questionnaire. The study has indicated that affective commitment was directly and positively influenced by training and development and reward system. Suifan (2015) signified positive and significant association of reward systems, training and person-organization fit with organizational commitment of 431 employees working in public and private organization. Olaimat (2014) indicated positive and significant association between different knowledge management dimensions and HRM practices. Similarly, findings have indicated that the relationship between training and development and staffing is mediated through technical knowledge management. Darwish, Singh & Wood (2016) investigated a significant impact of training on organizational performance. However, findings have shown that regulation and practice in mature markets is generated through the type of complementarities. Zureikat (2017) indicated that E-HRM is influenced by management support, IT infrastructure and degree of awareness among 313 managers working in the commercial banks in Jordan.
They strictly limit their hours of working as well as their work environments. This implies that a company that would need to adopt an international human resource management will have to comply with these regulations. 153554b96e