Iron Man 2 1080p Hindi
Former programming:1st and 10 2 Minute Drill Baseball 2Day BassCenter Battle of the Gridiron Stars Beg, Borrow & Deal Bonds on Bonds Bound for Glory The Bronx is Burning Cheap Seats Cold Pizza The Contender Dream Job ESPN Friday Night Fights ESPN Hollywood His & Hers I'd Do Anything Intentional Talk2 Jim Rome is Burning Knight School Madden Nation Mike & Mike MLS ExtraTime MLS Primetime Thursday MLS Soccer Saturday MMA Live NASCAR Countdown NASCAR Now NFL 32 NHL 2Night Nine for IX Olbermann Playmakers Quite Frankly with Stephen A. Smith RPM 2Night SC6 with Michael and Jemele SpeedWeek SportsNight The Sports Reporters Stump the Schwab Sunday Night Football Talk2 Tilt Upscripted with Chris Connelly Up Close Winners Bracket
wji1 iwmnuinwji vnyniiyiriin-2!--- -'!iI,ill1EHE DAILY APPEAL:TUESDAY KOHSnrO, OCTOBES 20. 1837.WEEKLY APPEAL.Oar We-ext of To-xoBrmr will be a mostIt trill contain sll theut.R--.s e-r a. . ...cwrent Intellfeente lu reference to the present, b . I .monetary derangement, and our sl sm.-Btof miscellaneous matter, Iscloding-TalyaWereligions intelligence. Besides, tbe reader willfind an extract from President Bnchtnan'aspeech in the United Sats' Senate in the year1848, in which he gives his news In foil eta-the question of Banks ; an article from Hunt'sMagazine on the subject of banking; Proceedings of the Tennessee Legislature Proceed-1ingi of a meeting of the citizens of Memphis with regard to monetary matters, and thereport made by a committee appointed at saidmeeting; Gen. Pillow's Reply to Gen. Scott ;-War is India ; Statements\" made of the condition of the Bink of Tennessee and the Plan-ters Bank; DeSCripUon Of the Fair Groundnear this CUv: local news. Miseiesloni andfx ' - -Arkansas Items, telegraphic reports, marketste. Ktce ot we Kiy j ayear.oriencenU per ccpy. Stagle copies may be pnrrcnasea at oar counting room as usual,(\"Ste advertisement of lost shiwl In an-' v ,othercoUmn., Conicii Council meets this evening'.iwhen' business of interest and importance is expeitei. ,to be acted upon.The City The city has now aCriminal- Court in session; two theatres in f ul operation,- and several warraoasee full ot cotton Dales.Oar thanks are de to H. H. Camp-. iJseix, cleik ot the Keu Udt Sim ; to TheoJcdoc of the f-y Bullitt, and the Adams'w- .over the Memphis aad Charleston Road, bypaying fare one way.SAM. TATE, Prttidtut.fH f The protracted meeting at the Chris-llan Church is still progressing. We are in-i 1 a . a . . p L - a 1 A a: 1\" 3\"-den McCali.people.and Holmes will address theCatholic Fair A note, from \"The tLa-dfes\" informs us that the fair at the OJd Fellows' HaH will be continued during this evening. To-ntgtit a splendid sup-ner-wiH be nrenared. The occasion will be amost agreeable one. ,Tae Ccxtxal Illinois That hisxriil-lroad is still in the full tide of ior ute papere. , b-rg up niinejg. jj0 improvement In bssi-llie members of the Memphis Confer- nss about the landing; everything in that loence, wHl be passed to and from Conference cality appears as dull as itcaaweUget to be.sUndtBg reports to the contrary, is avident by.JVd for he\"New Orleans trade. She is heinerl Af--. ta -till ..111--ti-V.t. I bnilt for-fit nt. llan. Hnller. tt r.ll K- U1U 't. ...W i. ..... ..Av. .. . ... n...i a n ,. --it. JII IMKI lie- Ult lm.ubow iub uuoujuw u .--.. - 1cf cars. It -rt.- u ... a;...aKe 1yesterday to twenty individuals, whom folly,-\"-\"- t-c ---\" -\"\"C\"\"-\" J - 1vire. or rn isFortnBe nan lBtrooscea JO OJSTPro-1, .fefalonal notice. -Eieht of them 'wereTrtn-iv !ICULCU 111a WUUftUlllH.MH --, .-\". 1the present nnmber-of boarders at that estab-Iishme-t sixteen.Ikotjest. The dead body of a man waa- 'found yesterday near the stern of the steam'boat Sihraika. now lying at the levee. Esq\"Walo-ok held an inquest over the rcmiins in jUt aUerBOos. f rem wt dress and appearancef the deceased, K was sappesed tbt he hadiota a deck passenger en same steamboat.Missikg. Doctor Anceb, heretofore wellioti in this city as a prc-fesse-r of music, hasbeen alssiag since the night ef Sneday thelllh inrt. He was seen last at th Turners' HaK. His friends have no clue ta the cause ofhis disappearance, and are a pray to ihe mostserious apprehension.Gck. Fostc's ADOBEM.-Owisig to tbe factthat Odd FeHow'n Hail bad bees previously engaged for the Catbejic' Fair, Gen. Footx didnot ad4ress ear cftizest at that place, laatnight i reepotSe to their flattering invitationto do ss. He wiH, bow ever, speak to-riigbt atJExrhance B-Mioe, and bis world-wide repii-- tatiso as an erator wtM secure for him a largeau-fenee.MitstsHrri Lecis-atobj. We wers \"favored wMh visits yesterday frem Ren, J. E. TaliArxsas, member elect to the Legislature fromTallahatchie ce-trty, and Col. Nobf-eet, refcently elected frem the. county of Marshall.They are both democrats of the \"strictestsect,\" and most agreeable and well informedgentlemen. !.Fiise 'Whips. We saw ihree fine geld andsliver mounted whips yesterday at the SaddleryicstabKsbment of our fries- W. P. Lewis, onMain street, which he intends giving tbe bestlady and gentleman equestrian, and also for- the bert horse and buggy driven single at theShelby county Agricultural Fair, which commences to-day.The Fa ib. Tbe tea acres of ground onwhich the Shelby coshty Fair is to be held,- will be opened for the exhibition ef \"objects cfinterest,\" at 9 o'clock this morning. At 10the inaugural address will be delivered by Col.Pore. The grounds have been put in b: autif ulorder, and every possible attraction and convenience addd that can cesduce to ihe comfort. and enjoyment of visitors. The railway carswiH run at freque-t intervals during tbe day.Personal. We had the pleasure of meetlrgyesterday, Hon. Jko. L. Robinson, of Indiana,'late a member of Congress from Indiana, andone of the most efficient advocates on tbe hustings of Bbchakan and Bbeceinbidge duringxthe late Presidential canvass. Mr. Robinson iscow a candidate for Clerk of tbe House ofRepresentatives, and so well .pleased are wewith bis antecedents and bearii.g that, were hea member of the House, we should be stronglyincHaed to cast one vote for him against allwho may enter the lists as -competitors.- Procediags of the Merc-ntUs Committee.The Mercantile Committee met at the Commercial Hotel, in this city, last evening at 7o'clock, pursuant to adjournment. J. II. A.IiOWSes, President, called the meeting to or-. der, and announced that tbe meeting was readyto receiva the report of tbe committees cf five,as appelated by the Committee on Saturdayevening last; whereupon, C. C. Cleaves, aschairman of that committee, begged leave toreport tbe following as the result of the deliberations of the Committee of Five:ifeaclrtd. That this Committee, animated bya desire to carry out the wishes of the citizens'tneetiBg, find themselves practically able toexert themselves favorably at far as the Banksof tbeir own 3'ate are concerned, nut We. difference in standard, the variety of localities,and the complication of circumstances whichsurround the foreign circulation of this city,render the task of setting a reliable value 10eaeb issue, herculean in ita extent, impracticable in its operations, and unreliable in effect;and, therefore, as far as this Committee is concerned, mutt heleft to regulate itself.JUioited, That the Secretary of this Com ;mittee be instructed to correspond with theCashiers of such Free Banks as we have recommended our community to take at par,and to learn positively from such Cashiers,whether or net they can and will promptly exchange their issues whb our citizens for notescurrent or bankable with oar Stock and FreeJianks here; and that our Secretary publishthe correspondence in the ptpert,at the earliestpossible day.On motion, the report of the Commit! ee wasreceived, adopted and ordered to be publishedin the city papers.- J. a A. LOWNES, PntidnLJesse M. Tate, Semtary.Fur faie .uir.ICfl BARllELS Smilh'a celebrated Pltttbrgh Alt,XnjXJ and (turaateed good.H U. POTTER, Kals atreet,oct3 Third d-er north of Wortham Hooaa..WANTED,TWO CABIKZT MAKERS that -odmtand boxing far--tareOoodwiget wtobecleea ataecS-tf KC-IKKETfcCO.'S.t'aiuig auu uiis.A LARGR anpply ef all kisdi jatt recti red aad for-TV. tale ey1TARD l JOS'X.tepSOS Maln-at.100 Wood Choppers.WAXTED Immediately, Oae Han dred ateady men, toSt'1-t below Memphis; crnttant empcyment and f aR wages will be paid Apply toC POTTER,Front Row. Kempbia, er totep-tto JA O KcMAKfTS.FIXE TEAS!A LARGR aatoetment, parduued before he late riteXX tn T.aa, f or a tie eery Mt whnWtle or retail, byB. F. FARNSWORTH la CO ,Ko. \"I Front Bow.Jt2SilET-ROPOIilTANRESTAURANT,OPPOSITE ODD FELLOWS' HALL.TBE FroprVtora of thltg -eitibiithmeBtw--all asnoroeeULCi Ithat their RESTAUR CUT UlfrQcow open fir the tettoa. wfF-tESII OISTEttS AXD FISHfrom Jfew Orlean and Cb tries ton wat beALWAYS ON HAND,and ere ytbtrg the rartet afSrrdt, aerred Bp at thI aLcrtett otiee..alvoaiV Passengers-wiD tai lbh-.a op a!5 n'cl ick A a ior their ax.-i etaadatlon. OLIOEW-LL St POLLOCXURejpe and TwiRe.JUST XE8EIT0. per ataatatrs B. ClC-aoo andfSocthemer : v- 600 exjih V-it Jf actio. Rtp I .S0acolaandhatfKIsBaBdEc7i-, - -to balet aapertor TwtnejTor aUs low ta Ibe trade bySOUOIIEEIT A ATDLXTT.i7I BaskArecst.Hirer Jttallere.The weather wse, plooray a ad riiF yeiterS7, -with a doll leree and the withoutany cbanee worthy of note.The JTsle iYiibM, after-being newly painted and tint In rnmnlete order, lookin tlrht.t-j ,. r.iJI. v --,1- T,,t,r., . ' ' ,I oay, a the NspoIeoffpidVel, and afterKiBBerjI J . . ,.started on-berrrgulsptrip.The splendid bo.t Sisjoa.s-AiTiVed fromNew Orleans on Sunday night ; she returns onWednesday.The AHtfe-w detaiasd, and did not getoft\" last nightThs favorite White River packet Return,leaves for its usaal'portB to-morrow evenin;The following bts passed down the riversince our last report i -Tbyi .-, At tree mi,Paul Jentt, Pennsylvania, and JatWE. Woodruff. The following pasted up : The KtwUnde Sim, Fanny Bullitt, L. 1. Ktnnelt amiI it A. T. Lacty.At Pittsburg on Friday, the river stoo- two. . , . io.tnhnihttn fallte twentv-,..i..Zlooked for. ItI lour usuie. ana a erooa rise isn a,J0 Bt Vb-elir:T ,,. ,h. rirer waaalaw.f y ,wS.llag at the had ef the falls, with threeI feet five inches water in the cansl in the even-ine. Daring tbe previous twenly.four hours,the river bad risen Uiree inches equal to arise of six itches altogether at tbe bead ot Ibefalls. This would probably make sixteen oreighteeninches of a rise en the bar at Part-hai risen twenty inches, and was beginni.g torecede. a,Th St. Louis Ltadtr of the I6th reports 3to 3J feet on the principal bars us the Mis-anuri SI feat in th hnki.1 -f n.huan.MissisiaDi : and about 3 feet on theI - I\" arrivals ana receipts itgDt.Boat bnildinc at Cincinnati this season Israttier slow wort, ublcb tbe present crisis infinancial acaire is maklne far worse and builders are compelled to ditrbarce tbeir hands.The Gazttlt says tbe Marine Rtiliray and D vuock Liompany employ aDout tov nanus, anaI t A a 1 a I I17 . r V -ror two mon'os. at least, xne uompanv navenow six boats on the scks. varvlr from 200toSOOtani canaeitr. One of 5B0 huiltrer Capt. Jonn Piewcomb, called the Grairfent. was launcned week before last.About twenty hamls were diarhareed on Sit-urclay, rrom tir boat-yard of Jobn Litberbury,leifTiuf; buic w ti nvit. wuu Mill an oe UIS-charged next week and tbe yard closer! for tbeprea'nt, in consilience of the lark ot demn df nr -Ar lr A f tfila v . il tnnnA \" r ttiand nearly completed, a firtt diss freisbt atdnw.- ..- ... . H ..- .vuu Ull ... I- .III .P.iiaasenirer bjat. 01 iuuu toes burtben. 1H3 fee-in length, and 45 feet breadth of beam, luterid-I - 1 J-\". .....launched next. week. In tbe boat-vard of S.ry,V., ' I- - kIU J :.vuaoout so Lands are now emptoyeri, 10 beingdiscbarred on Saturday. Moat of the forceoow employetr.will be conUu-d durine thewinter. TtievGrm nave now on lh iin.t. .winter. . iDe-wm tive row on tbe stocks a Iboaf toleede- fpr tbe aiissouri river, beingjiuut tor vpu a Daree ror uapt,a,v,: 1 .. -v.i. . . . 1I a\"nc' A unB -tt tor tap a. jones.I to run in the New Orleans trade, was launchedI . . . r.-t- -v Oi IaiARniED,On tht 15th int-, at the retlieoce of Kr. B. T. WilHtml, near Pitherrfiie. br Sr. W. O. Laacatter. V r IN ALixAnd Ar J. Wiixiaus, of Inlepen-dente coanly, Arx.Qne Thousand Agents WantedBUSINESS ety, meta' and honorable, paylnx freaIS to $10 per day. Por partictflara, enrtree pottaietttmp ana aoarett w. p OOI-ISON,tepa-w2i- stateitnd. Qioettw etnnty. AflatCLOAKS,liiutlcs & Mantillas.- -TTTE bare UU a fine it ct ef thoee KJ0H SILT VKL-I V TKT CLOAKS, trimmed with Heavy Pilate orBoca Lace. Aho, a apr3dld article of ,OPERA DRESS CLOAKS,of HVmit CDhrt. made anl trimm-d in Ihe lateet etyleAl-o Chenille and ere y otber trie of Shawl.. Pre- cbOoakt, Ste . Ac e oik an eiamlaatlonof tb;ra before parchulse ejteth're.A. T. TTEIXS & BRO.octU-liwtwPianos, Melodeoas, Purniture,CARPETS, CURTAINS,SHADES, tcI HATE Jatt returned,with nt'ored health, rromfFmithe Xorth. where 1 hawtaken aoch palea 1b te- \"lection sspertor tortmiit ef Pin Fattt re. prTH. Cnrtalr GocxU, Sh-i &c t wbtch I m now recriTLcjc - ofTeri-ictw wto p te farer meViU, mj er-et vub u w rarmsn gxn article t rf -nil5 prtceI ttr -crrM rTt'for c r wiNtLER, who wtttattend to all irdera far tnateic aed iifatri-it Ibi trtuoentand wak en thea wo fTr roe with a call. ,AllklMi of Kattreaea mae to or-rrU X OROSVEKOU, 9EROOKS & SAUADERS,WHO-' SAIX AXD BETAII. Z CALEBS INBOOTS AND SHOES.TTATK now in a'tore and tor tale, the larcettXX atock, he ett roodt. and the moat yai ledattortment rrer brent ht to thit a:yGentlemen's fntom-3Iade Boots,Frem the llieat Fr'nch Calf to the beaetrtt JfantAllonRoot. Aent'e Gtliera, hbth and low cat! Une CallFrench Patent Leather and Lattlns Shoea ol tbe lateeipaterta and etyt.Ladies', misses' and Children's Shoe,Of every de-ciption, from the b t mannactn.'eranibe United StaUa. In abort, oar atock erabracee teevariety of EVtand:boea and rmprltea the matt exteattTeand dirextlfled ai tort men t la tbe Tal'ty 0(1 li pi. .We toll -It tie attention of Kerchaati, Dealers andCoatamera to oar ttoek.BROOES A SAOKDK-S,teoto-lm No SM.rWeH-cV Ifala-it . MtopbitIWsrro Bro;ans.1 O nOll PAIRS Xesro intiM jntt recelTer1i,UUU w'lrrasted three ao'et and tte beatBroxast made In tbe United States. AltD, a brary ttocoof Kaey and other Blanket, and Wool Hat, f nr atecToeewear. BROOKS at 8AUKDERS,errW-'n. Ve. If .rh wl- r-tSCHNEIDER &s CO.,. Xanafactnreri otEifle, Pistols, and Shot Ghins,Jtffmo Street, ojpotile Commercial Hotel,mrni3, ,RUiUS thrnkt to their friend, and tbe pnbllcia seneral, f-rr tb-lr Hbera patronare for tbe lat twoyeara and to tnrernrthem that they keep on hand a largeaaaortmentof file ,Gun and Pistols,ot their own mansf \"actare.ALSO:DEBBITTGER & COLT'S PISTOIiS,POWDER FLASCS, SHOT POUCQEr tNIVES,A-XUKiTIOK, srrc, rTC.CJ'rerk done to order and f Hy raarantled.CJ-A11 ktnli of BKPAIRISO-lone with ntatneie anddltr-ch.CJ-Ordert rrom the Ooentry rrom ptly attended to.tet-dawSmSugar and axolasses.OA nn\"S UtolroBnciriOU 500 bbit. tarar Hoato Xt'ttteii, on eonrltn-nentjturfieaa w. BUWAKD H CO.oct-1iwtmHARD JTIMES!$r5,o.ooWORTH OF 1DRY G0QD.Sit cost ; mIK meainence of the bard llm'a and tcardty efXONET we are determined U ten enr ttoekAT COST FOR CASH ONLY.How is the time for Bargains atPOPE ti. BROTHERS,cctlS-dlm 315 Main ttrt-tMerjiphla. TeemIn Chancery at McmnlurTATErtFT3NX t RaHheMti- fh-Clerk'a11 c3)ce. Chaaeery Sin. of the cumnwn uw ani cua-c-ry C nrt at theUy of Vrmrhlt, on Monday, September ISS7.WiaiamE. Ectler, Com p'.atnant,a.Q. jt Eejiowa and Jno. IT. Bopklna, Detendacta.It atneartnt from atSda Tit -led m tkl Icante, that tbedefrntjU Q. It. Bellowa and John IT. Bopkine; are Ban-retldentaM the sute 01 Tenaeeaet: 11 in erorrr- teatthee Co enter thetr appearance Beretr, before orwithin the Brtt .three dtia eribe nextMrrm ortaiaCot ft. to be hld 00 'he tenth Mo die in XorrmtW ,ext. (lcST,) and plead aatwer. ordemar oC-intalraBt'abill, or th' tame will be takm for c-Tafeatedt to lb-ra.order b-pabh-bed once a week for f erjr aaccett ye weeksla Ibe Xrmp-U apt.Aoo-y-attett: \" JOHX C LANIER,0rk and MaarriByR. A- Pabiib, 3m, , D O AM.Jbo.X.Carmac-. aol farcomiJ't. tepla-ltwttTEOS.-J. HARE ISACCTIOX, C03I-IISSI0X,AKDlTLVt ES'TATTE RUOliEU277 MAIN'-ST., MEMPHIS, TENN.I AM IncaattaatrecetEtef conaicnmnite of ratchet,Jewe ty. Clocka, Fancy Geedi, Gknf and Fiitolt, AcAlto. Watch Material, rwhlch 1 can a II at iuic. Wt.than tbe naat trade prteet, whe!tale and rvtallTJ- Adtiac-t mtd-oei can- leoraeatt. aeplS-1yAdpinlfiratoVs XoTlce.TUX -ndereUmM barlof flbfined lettertor tdml.lttratloaoerthe eetat of SBKLnT C. iKDenRilKe a ted, at the Oc ober tern of the Conntj CoortVi-4Shelby osaty, an peraont tndeeted to .i!d etttte-e'rHsereny n mnea vo mtxe unmeauee p ymebt, aid ail per-hui i ....... ...ittmwt anoiinea TO preaeat tbem, daiy lOtben'leaLed,' within the time legally1pretcrfbed, or tb.y wri be barred.HARRIET T JBVKIKGS, Admlalttratlx,C. C AODEBSOh. Adnualttratcr.ortlT tm . .AT3EXT10X, H0CSE-KEEPEB8 !C A LL ONIK6EAHAM & LEES,So. 6 SIoDree streettThey wffl sen jm rrery article yoa Day want InWool and WlUow Ware,ORFancy ArticlesOT KSW ETT INTENTION, .C HE A PoctlSTO ASSOCIATED PRESS OF MEMPHIS.LATER FRO 31 EUROPE.Arrival of the North America.Q-s-C October IS. Th temtr North 4merieatn arrlrt-, briag leg the litest LlTrrpool date.Tht ealatcf Cotton for threadtyi wen . balet,at watch otnUtor lock 1 1.03 J 1 expwu 1,000.Ibi a Ure rpeeu)tlT ilry. All 40iU!tMhid illihUr a4inepd. Brsd.tuff. h4 a dfcUnlns Ua-dasey. atl U4i ha4 UsiUr decUatd. ProTlitoni UaU.OentutaMK. .Genernl fw. ,. -Dn-.i.a rani ct war. had aonk In thetaJt pt F.iniandjlJjtOa liTfl were tott.Oct. V. TM rurop' anlred at Urtr-LinarooK!!S-'n,m RtHe arHTtd oat on the th. Thepool onKangarooiimsitaneonslT with tao .tonAtntrica. -Thrr 11 nolhtotlUtT trna India,Tb WwMobtfSt in Orrat BrtUIn at a ast day of lhe Uo! with India. The Baoi or bbi.fcioan-l the at India Co. ooetiaian poatdtiJl boada. Hero troort are hew intaAai 1OjO00 aidltlonal mBltla tttl.iL. SKv.erahxtifd into thaariny,rraaoaaad Deamtkr.:aaT. toThe 'ifftrtnee b-aeatbe taaod daea han actUed.EratK MaarttVd Wt httdtld for Parlt.Letan 1 wtt Prefl4aSt the Oonadl lo the new Pre.Tlitontl CaMoet. BPrivn.ik h.d left rarfifor Madrid, tappoteo to reaameMi uiulun 13 the roVarnmrut.' .The Priaoe Bay tl ofSwredta 1 proclaimed Oegent dor.lor tbe Iffit'l iHneat.k. wuii'hii tlertlcalhad rttn'.ted lnftrorof Uni-aT .7Tnrio A Osna-reit fartTdnlio ortB:xiio3 01 id.PrincipallUci wtt ipcte4U;net At Pa-lt la Noreta-her.ltTJI M .... tn.u. t l.on7nitif dtatl Past niet.aem Lard heary. Tlllowalet and tteady.I tT W H1Wlosdou Marxt Braiil doll. , Sosar qalet.Inlrwr. a.srr. allotleSlUhfty declined. JfeniTattthtly -HHttriat.ConakU SSOK.witaiattera.HatlarttVr Ton. Octuber tllE-Stocta and money it-tert qalet. The Xetiopo.iun .-an wni rn o--..-w f ew Karlaad Btafbeat on d-potlt ata K peraerrow New a.iaa otasj \" .....tmt drawn'; th-r except liaoae itiana omt. - \"'\"I.n tt ditmltied tbe motloajor' an Injunction tctlxtt... ...v.. v.w T7r Tte Clearlas Hoate retarnt., --nikntl aetlrtty la baiinett.,,. p.... tj .in 7Co .dry.oodt. haTetaipend-. $ i .ed. A. H. Wolf ai to , neai, i.ri-i-,NcwOB-CAKS, OcaebetUm, OoertUont in Wettern1 . \"V-h. Btmk P tdenlt barer- -. r -tan-d ta f certiai eaton . w-hi oarmfnt ct debtt. Tae cttumt nana rcn.-I ' nt net crcii of aecwivrThe Bankt leit overto na inaiattweee.NnwToK-.Octtbfr Hth There n no m-cocoa-xein floaadil afftlrt.The f.Uaret of S. it T awreace;dry toi, anayo-aWeeb tt Je-B't. cirp-ti, are aaaac.Philade-fria, October Itb. Bonn, Baswen fcCe.. hi faJea.St Lens, Oetober ISth. Mtrt. Tettoa Dtai,(taakere, bare taipeoded. Tbe weekly, btak atatemerl.bowt a rd action It coin, ctreuitiioa an- urpu.i.-.naif the Sttte Baakt th.w adecreiti of-nore thin 70perernt. \"BotTOX. SetoVr Uth. TM fMHwins arms at raued: W. Oreea-wrt StCi., ntnware, i -. oowrtaV. P. . Brtka. PamKnre; Geo roriTth. ChairIf.nafttte : Crllh & Tbenrtin, OetM-n, and J. W.Carter amatters,Carter It Co.. Orocera. There It no change la moneynew tobk. ocitrer im.-ii r. . j, .-...nuuui.meat thewta aarreatt oi ki -.w.....v. .tped as ta.Oit. la-re ate of dreatttlon 811, I. .ereaMd'ep9etllS4tT Tottl tpeste 7 81 1,230WBthinstan AMaira Walker's Expedition, e.Waihixgtox Oe-ober 19. Newt hat been meltedhere that Gen. Wa!kera exprdltloat, one to leaee OUTettcB, aad one frem New Orletne, bit been delayed........ 1 . ....nnlAf en.nH.I itlenmltl..The, do note-re- to meet aerlea. op.iU from ti,FeleralGenf-aeet. Tbeypropote ta land a.mewbereta ChU Rica, aad then march to San Jo, tbe Capitolof that RrpaMe, which they etpect to reach after con-jsert tbe eapitot, and U set poetet sien of the wholeeonatry. The artreftte niabntter force I monut tol,t0J U5,Tt.A tattar hat been received fre Capt. nadton. o' tbe.V(acra, by tbe Navy Danartntent, -hlch aayt that theywaned bectn U ditehtree the c-bte the fith tntt.PreoM t Bnchaaan haa Teasaed bit retldence at theWhHa B.nit io-day.Arrlral and Departnre of Steamers.Kiw Tobk, October ISth. TheCattfarnla Stall Steam.en-eptrtarehat been pottpmed nntrt Thnraday, whenIfieSf. Loait wlH take the place of the JrertAeni Light.The steam hlp rdinbury, from Giatjiow, arriTed thitaflersoan-Bieambeata hank Lett ef Life.St Loch, October IS. The ttetmtr Tioflc wataaak at Waeerly, in tbeMtttoarl rlrer, on lattTharrlay.ElSht or tea Meet lot! ; ro ptrtiewttrt.Teleiraphic Markets.Jt'cw Obleaki. tlcluber IS. The aalea of cotton today were 3 S09 balet. Frtoet tlhTcr, bst qaotationt ancbaased Bed Wheat 93c. Excbanfe on Landon S3.Srw TfBK, Ootober IS Floor epened actiee andcraatddallat i79l85. Sonlbetn Whtat baejaat atadefine of Ife3c. Bye 7ijj60. BtibyTO. Mixed Corna-C Data $t0. Whltky S0h. Jieat Fork$11 63. .Beef UJA. BeeftlamilS. Catmeatt9H KMhtacdeinr HVBtce-. Ltrd 1JH(1SAnother Instance of tbe ifflcacy cf Ecerhare'sT Holland Bitters.If.\" M. Poindeter,at Union office, September 1$ 1851, says '\" Some weeks slnte, being seriously affectedwith pain and uneasinejs at tbe stomach, lossot appetite, and at times strong symptoms ofdyspepsia, I waiindacelo try year HollaxdBrrrEas. and I feel it .but an act of imtice to-l,ne 8ftici5,aS well as for.tbe rood or thosewho may be affected with like derangement of'he stomach, to state, that the use of one sintrie DtjfJe of this medicine proved of incalculable benefit, having freed the stomach fromall sense tf depression, and removed everysyrepfotapt djspeysia. 1 would also re mart,that, tvfo other members of my family, whowfre afflictedTn a similar manner with myself,j were entirely relieved by the use of a singleliottle each.- ' -lackcrd and Herrings.RECEIVED! la-.tiorr, the followmglot new JCackmiaa-l flerrfexri: .101 packlgee So. I, lnbtrrelf, half barrtla and kt;150 \" So S. \" \" \"SO - \" -0. S, \" \"30 hilt blrrTt new Roe Herrlngi..For tale low byoel 1-In K M. AFPESOf It CI.auS! GUNS!pTBE ITIT JS THEUMTED STATES.TnB.aabtaitser, tho la a prae leal workman, hatmade a seiectnt of Oondt in h a line of ba.laet..toat be rods till. fled will meet tee reqnlrementt of hitcatamer. Kaowlagtbe qaalityof bit Oo-dt, he cann!ly wirnni toy article he tellt. nit aitortmentcortttt of RIFLES, StlOT GDKS and REPEATERS, efihwlifferent pttn a and ttylea FIHIXO TACKLE efihtl app ered detcilptlont, a Spartlag lmp.-tenia g-neriHy to m-et tbe tatt of Conaoltenrt.Repairing Be 1th neatnett an. ditpatch, and alltTork warranted. xSlrn nf the Bi Gnn.So. 169 Mala at., between Adamt and Wathlncton tta.ectla-dawsm E. WOLFF.1. T- rsvoa...........-IXO. P. TAT OR.Pry or & Taylor.' , PLANTERS' AGENTS, J ABDUPTT0N FACTORS.OFFICE NO. 83 FRONT BOW,Memphis, Tcnn.,r' the Wholett'e Grocery and Prodoce hoate of Metitt .Fanylbe At Jamlton.PARTNERSHIPasd CIRCULAR NOTICE.Tne nnderelgoed, having aatodatrd tb-eateiTea tcgetber Ahaainesa. ander the ttyle of PRIOR A TAT LORkletpectf oHyri-r btlr terr lo-t to tbe pabllc generally;aoornerr piita ineoot eapentiiy. to ee a generalC-n unhaitBBnd Factorage Baiinett. They will Bay orSen Cotton and otber prodoce.Tbtlr charge for telling Gttlon on Ihe Bluff will be Serale tfr bales for Stcriat and Senior. It win hitucaat. on the am'vjnUtl eh aale.all Cotton coaVnal to na, will be iatared, naleta Int traded t theTeentraryi and all orders for Ssppiles ofall alnda will be prcmptly tged wh-a aoc-moaaled withins Caah or Cottoo. J P. FRTOR.od-dwlm Ag-ntt Ac- jr. in. REin,(LaU ot X. Raid A Bro.)ftOTTON- PAOTDEAXBCOMMISSION MERCHANT,Orer Ooyer A Noeley,NO. 34'FRONT ROW, MEMPHIS.TTTIIERRae will be pleated lo wait npon aay eld -pa-ytront, friendt, and tbepoWlc generally. Re wineifeparllcnieraneDiio w in u 1.111; 1: -na o-uinx orCotton ant Prcliee. All Co-'tonor Pmdcccorilgned toblm \"48 be Inanred. nle alber- ie laetmi led.rirwarr limwn ll\". w vi w,k uBj-, and other aapplleA. Steie and Co'Un for 75orntt per bale. - eels-asmKajIo and Enquirer copy.STOT1CE.THE THIRD AKD LAST CALL.TWILLaUend at Cnlon Depot on Monday. September71a. and at Onto B-tiom on Tnerday the 8th, atKerning Sun on Monday, the Jn. at rie-erru'e 00Jfondey tet-t. at Ocnierri-e, on Maofay tae Mlat G-rmaatewn jpa Mcnazj, iksuhu mt, atentnioTi'le Mttriet an Meneay, the IJth Octb-r and atOKn't Shop Dlrtilcli7e \"'a. en tnoty na io rorth-irpre! Ukiog'a LIST cf theAXA BLR PROPERTT of, Shelby Coanty, AM marhho70 erery one willmeet m\", aad aare' trouble nmy bart aid expYieoatbelrt, VX. W. CALDWELL,wpft-we Tax Atator.' NT757\" Jb'i t-t TWT.sL -ICXAMEX -I SfCB-ASfXE.McNAMEE & CO.,Gas Sc Steam lipe Fitters,, Between Shelby and Mala ttrerta,On 3al ttrttt, ep\"iuU Dura, Algeo $ Co.'let Houtt, \"WHERE they ar piaredlevoany wori ta theirIne with punetsa:itr,aEd ditpatch, ,Atwaya 00 hand B rich -teerlnseat ot Chsndailera,Bra'kett sad Peridtmi.Prtrate and puWIo bnUdingt. ooes and a tores, Sttedtip foe the eaeof -euel gaa In the mott arproTed xaaner.WeaWomannltreopCe4ls.. \"- Stea CtfaceSA&d. Water Gstgesea hand 'ta taada laorder.By strict, attention to neata, cheipne tad dlpa a w- nopa u rseni a nun ot public palnsaga.BBST-SaljMi Msurnift dailt appeal OFPirtB IWifT TCa!AY, October 20. ISM. (JS:Drt the cataatrapha o( oponloa Tliiird o, tlKisI baa Imi that aartct lTnprortt ftln which ntaa'lf (atlwthe oecamsM ol mi aaildpt'.ad aad drtadtarntlntmr Tht pns;t and direct aellM or id at rcanttlepdmmltue hat sraatlr facultatal th amaHcr &tall of blnH, throTtm lau etmlatlim noUt thatwrr- rltbrr btl4 on hand in aatMpittoa et l&praraocat.or tcbmltt d to lt procttt of tbarini \"There bojettierabe deaiaod for rxchazt on KwTork,tolncaabhaJ. TbtBemUal ritaHareptroral. GM It btrtnx at in aod trtJtol at ten pr c nt.Bat Utile nocamnt rcear it parehated br oar biolr.The brokrr't ratce tor neenrrrat taanry an : SosthCaroUaatrapTrtntdlaotaat; Xortb Carolina tea perI cent, ditcuaat free baatt of,Txnnf Bftr per cent.dlicoeat for dutaai baatt, thaafla tie city art taken atpar- , -Tht PhDadaipbla f rrn tart :The State Treoerr ot Krth Cirelot baa tent wardby tctrf rarh to Ibit liy thit the latmtt no the Stats11 act faHlaic doe oa tbe 1 t ot Jaaaary brxt l 1 b pawondrmind in Uil-iti. if C , la tae mreocy of theMiti-, it uairl ly ta l4dTt The coarttr ana a.a-ovtrrr ay: Tat- will net be tatl'tacwr ut th am.l t eooTrrt Kh CirUtaa tundt into New To ah Jaera or tht 9Utr. At prtaeet It oaoa (mat IM10 Hpelefaadt. aad ui-1. a he. V-bi few t-.o--KtJi'SltraJSSaicailtliTbe St. Lsoli Dmccrat ef tbe IS h aayt :T-dr hi. bee. marked br a-me little rxHPmelst Inmay miie(t. are-1 taeof of a run npoa 'h 8 a'ent.Kef Xltoail Ttr o ua at bpki ib-o otrc i iri-edbauktwer nt eery ninoa Tbe sla'e Htnk ta-tii&ni ihi rn.ti mtiie it n brr 0.gdi ra win a srra1il-at.f c -n o-o-r; inj UMiuu-um coua ao ncrdaari mere kni earn - tit mr-teir or Inrtt-marlrran A.-r oryond AesittaffMr. foe ran ..ik.-otwrwta tre-y aM''-i\".tui .... ,.m.wd.w .ten hrr rtr-cie teeiat to Lore tmoar ed a (tea1 ex I . r o nrltte-Qe rrtarauit or iwiin u.i i uauM and ttlrer t'riita. baitnet It a'anet at ad ad atrnd attll we bare ztitblbc o ay ef extbai'St. Itit iinu.1 lmaatilb1 to a-ilor boy blHt at .ay Mice.arrncy It nnetuas-o. linne t o.iw are tctmr, aaoa the rrtU clrcte arr nt It d wit mere firer, b-lofon-frrndln tntar l.tianc to Kloeky and o bertftn maney abjat vhich there it Jott no to moeh nacertainty.The N. O. P.cajrune of tbe 141b lall:Th' dnntnd far atoeey It very prrtta( and arrrr-, andIt it limi t lmaca.t.e t Borrow on i.y 1'imi Ptrtie.f .rred Into the .trret are Ml rtaf l8 ft el. a monthwiihotn flndlaa tbe nee. fat. A little Excaaatt wat toldrarlr In the morelac, bat the market a't Tw.rd rertrtwte it 1 tiiitl a an.lon aomr ioa waa a0, U 95 Mm d tin. The ranct mij be quotedff-m 87H89 tar eat emet J anra are noa.leaMrI nn.i Wenote them Sf lSsVf 09. Sixty dt bjlt 09- , - Tt mre nominal at 6 et ducoaot HomeI .tri- an an tn\" town wat d ne at 4 dlbnat. All e8ihtwataoiduntiideai IH-Hct. prtmlaa.Tbe N. T Aneraayt la Ita reiorioi the ma, thai theI njwery uaua wtHirao-i, t. a-. -..u- w..bat o u)d not obtain It. The CKarlnf urate nnmseredon that day aild any three bint :Sjmeef the l.adlox bankt are dHpeted to aim at moa-pole, and t .le the trainer bai kt . et txitteu an,r. ih &niiuaal bck-rlns between them wile .m. lor s ior a.d wheat tn large amonalt. The turn oX500.oU)ixertd here bj the el- of hit h fn.mfc liT -t\". AlMnwni e proua 1. wiuaiu w .hit. seeritB itcW-t. Pieor and wheat ate low rn price im'tua hat fallen caitKirraMy tiaco ine .mraoed. r.elra KxLhaa(t 1. nettitbtett pretmt hereit 1. -noted at S3AI0J D cent to-lay ferSierlier Nexw-ek It execw t be . v bit tne, and many f tilnrraareeatldDtUi On next Fata -day will mttare larae.m-mntui arjerr-' ana dry Koont piper, wet ern haee witdr.wn lo sUd. aul tb. Bank of Atuetkahaa b-en atiittias with xi the Dtnu 01 xelscytb. Bth t ovea IbrU no htD(.The PhlUdfphia Pcaijrlrtn tayt:The Bankt ol New Toil, n t'ithtun41nr th' ,.t tte bonnes-co&ma illr. and the etraeti tollai.,lonj fcr aid to a-tlt In rem.-eii the croia f rem iheWrtt to the tea botro. are .iert u.eoi y i ter. re.y tn -tallinz tteir lotni, the weea y a at m-nt made pn:j.yet rdte thjwiox a rnrth r cmir.oiitfn of o.-r while tbe Irrolt'lonhi. be-o 'rdoto! tt!,080ajjlhed-ixilt lliniKII Tae p-le, with lae r--cipt ef orrr a mil l. n4 a qnartrr by tht Ualifarnlapacket a -d Itrae ait tiwn ou r..rmttlut tbe tapply E 'IfC into beak abjnt tbrre an-i aqnar'-rml ilont ior tne mwr.-m 1- ---1. k. rMTBI 1DI1IB.. .H. -m.. i.j wt urc muu my uBloomytbM1 1 predicetMr, ano o.n tner htnku solas down in tbe wreck and tola that miti In blind and taletdal policy tbo btnkt bit.ebotea In to om pie tell eererlna tben-telrra from thelatertttaof tbebntneti a treu-t .i.j.Tae N. T. Xxff-irer ttyt :m-i the rit of Anaa-t tbe drily rxymenU labtnkbare arereri d nly a 6 0.0O0, or la tola, over t 0u0.-OOd. la that llote li e neat toast aire o a eaoeeafrom $10 boo.tno 1 ioo -w \"\"7 ivj,thowln. 5lSZttwitbont axiransoat ata. -e .ro . ..w. ... ....1-.1h.tihe til lottot tn eootrooenw te oar mrcbtnti andbaBkt hare been eqail tela a bank caiull-mentdoHar for ooaarThe Philadelpbla fmi reports :The .t-rntiLnor batlaeia la mtnyed ttrdet ttttl con-tlaaet, and nntH the retail of knewn, and th title of HaancUl m tturt la New Tortnodereuet tome dKWed cbtBge, It It bepelei! 10 expectany malted moTemeBt In Ih- ttockt or Ihe mcney markethrre.Tbe Clnclr ntl I Etjuirtr a t tbtltihtayi.The Vtner aad Exchanse mtrk ta costlnaed sraettledyetterday, ant there wrre few traattettaai of aay klad.Tbe haaka are extendin: no ditlont, mnl tbedltpoeltiea to be) ion to road 1 wat everywhere cherra-ble in Tmro tireeu xto t- niai.mtrrdty at rate -trtln from 5 to S p em., with a flrramtrtrt a d a llm ted t apply. OuM wit in coud demtndSaiOprem., MMniTie. in oanat werepayou tariuht prlcet I 7 prtm.The Pilbbura Journal at the ISth ttatet .We went theroa-dtat otaai batoanM.arnotEotranr.euout wot th net cleg. Between the nra-eyHpaaic aadht w alb. r, bsttaeta ippeara to hare been tatpecded rorvpia tnt.\"Tte Lcaiirnie Jottmof the 1Mb report 1:f There wtt no battne a d-ne yetlerdty in a wheieialety. The talea were moetly y r tail at ptnena q -oi.tiont. ttr tube trtino of tbe m-etmr or tne Dantsocert waa concerned, it ttm'dt.ra-et Mb r-nertl cqotetenre. T batkt co itrnd that hey w i be able lodo mere for the pibiic by cmtlaBits tb piym-ntofspecie thin by tn p nion There e . no nxea rtt- rorxchancet. We bneve n-iioer toe or nroarwerechckles, aBd ethii f win probeblT ee tnr nntimoney mitten la lit Orleaat anl New Tork becomeeettiedTbe Beard of Dlreciert ot th Btnk et the State of Indiana mt at iBottnaptlia on lb- ISth. There It a ttronctreeing, en the pin of teora-ne,tn rtTorar ratio-ttlaiai! tpoeie paymentt. Tb y ountt do thit. ad think It better to mat. the neafH.ary ta-cria-arathrr than inn tbe rbk of lorl.f their eh-rter.Tbe Wtehlaftoa correipondeat ot the PhiladelphiaPrnnylvsa(-n writet :It It w-ll knawn tbtt tbe Washlnirtxn bankt hate in-p-ndrd I -nderttaKd tbtt aioce ISM they hire notpo-m-4 the rwni to BO ti, ineir raart rt bitihb npint, and Oonrresa retuiii.c to renew them. Djea thitji make tartr acti m tn tt-olnc notee wltbost a rhtnernd afterward! entpe dina ep'd piym-t 'll-gtlarda-eenabet the Jtwof tbe Wt'rlei T Tnli ltu.tor f.rrntec.niM-rtllL aBd nelett I atl malaulaed. It wIb- titldly lonkel lit . by 'ht ilfdt mnlZinc Pitint.FRRSCH aad A-ueirtcan know WHITE ZIO teolTed thtt day aad for tile byoas -AKii jiink-.A Valuable Plantation for SaleOK THE nEKA.NDJ PLAKKR0AD,Six and a half miles south of Memphis.TtTIS plantation crotain. CIS tcret. abont halfor which It cleared a\"d oetrly ell anderuo 1 fence. It btt a good gta bae. cabine, ttaWet. Ac. ercIlenl tre.ttoae we I and .rt gbranch water, orchard clover and g at. lett, w.tb a fl eranee f ir ttoek. Itt health aad pl'aieatn t\" are nntarpttMd, there not hiring bn a ca e of Ulnete npon Ittor netr three jetra rrqi riag a pbytlcian. Tbe ilin'ttlon la In rxce I- nt ondttlon for a Cotton crop n'xt artton Percbater can hare poaaestion t Chrlt utt.ocS-dawtf F. S. LATHAM.Eagle and Enquirer copy.DR. J. C. COLE,SuTscon DentistTS now pr tnrrd ta p -rf -rm all ip.ratioit pon tne eT in reoair o Tor tnr preter-Titl-n P.rtlc jtr t'trnil.m y.-l I 10 theintertlmof AJtTIPICI ILTEKTD. fr.m a.1 le tooth a fnll tet, on reta ntoleTlermi.BomionMttn atreet bHow Madim tlrt ever j.D Wil lamt' dr Foedt etorr octu-lmJeic FirmTHE cadertlmrd, ea toeettdre to Hmitb, Meacbam ACo. aid -r tbe mm- and ttyle of SMITH A 10K-TKR, w cntln e the whoWaleGrocery, Ferwaidin; & Commission Business,at the old aitnd !fe 13 F-oot Row aid rrfpctfelly ao-l-cltfrom th. fntiotaen et th old Arm a t-brra tktre ofth-lrat'rontce. 1 D SMlTflOCIO-I1IT It T m t Bit.I. O. a ITII.. ,t T FOBTEB.SMITH & PORTER,(Saece'i ra to amith. Meacbam A no.,)WHOLESALE GROCERS,FORWARDING AND COMMISSIONMERCHAVrs,pf.aby A Hani's New BalMlag,)Wo. 18 Front Bow, M mphis, TennX3 f.h Dealer, la aH klndt of Froddae.0ttS-j6oPremium Cotton Gins.WE are rrceiring a new anppty of tbe-e oMebrtttUlna, the belt now la mo in tht United btttet.Warranted to pie 1 1 -ir no ta'.ortio-iias- r.ivri.Ats. xonsr a r.oStarcli! Starch IO n Pi BOXES of Starch In ttoee. which we will tellUU cheap for notet 00 th. Korthero Bink of Mil-alttippt. FOWL KJ, JtODKT A CO.octlO-dawlwFOR COXSTABLE.J. V. SAINT It a candidate for the offloe of Conttabteat the next election tn March, la the Fourteenth Cl'llDlttrlct. angts-teeFOR COUnfTT THUSTEE.WR are authorised to announce, WILLIAM O LN-CtSTER. ot FUherrllle.. a a candidate for CoralTrnttee of Saeihy coanty at the eninlag Ma ch election.octis-aawi-FOR CONSTABLE.WK are anlhortied and rrouetted to anaeane F..HOLLEKBECK a a candidtle ior tbe ffl.-e of Contttb'etn the Fifth ClTll DUttlct, at tka entumg March e1c-tlon. octlt-le\"FOR STATE COMPTROLLER.WEareaatho ited to Col. ROB T I CHESTER ot Jeck 00, a candlia'.a far State Comptroller before the epetlag tct'loa ot the u gitutore. iepZ7To the Voters of Sheiby County.GEORGE W BARVEi. En., of Morning Sua, r-e-pretfnny anaoanc a bltalf aa tbe Democratic candidate\" for Tin-tee at tbeentaiag Mtrcb election.ocU dawteTOR COUST TRUSTEE.WE are authorised 'o it motet THOMAS K HILLSat a caadl ate r r the cfilee of Cooaiy Trntlee of Shelbycounty, at the rnaul g March election. aepn-teFOR COU.VTY TRUSTEE.WILUAM P PAT Is a candidate for re-election fortnecmea of Hoanty Traatee cf Shelby cwnnly at the ra-talog March electtjo. eep!7-dawteFOR COUST TRUSTEE.WE are autborired to announce Rev. JAMES ItWALKER aa a candidate for County Tratte of S'erbonnnly a' betnln Wtrrhelectl. aqr33-teFOR SHERIFF.WE are author 1 -d to aea once JAMES E. F'LTS at acandidate for re-lectlon to tl e e af 8berl9, at theea sing Ma ch ei-tl. octlFOR SHERIFF.WE are aalh r t.d to tinan e JOHN B MOSELETat a canHdate for Sheriff cf Shelhj Codoty. at the ento-ng March eiectloi. epgFor Sheriff.ytOBT. L SMITH It arandidttefor SHERIFPof ShelbyCom atthaen.nlngMa ch lection aeps dhwteFOR CO.VSTAHLE.WE are ani -.rijed to ana lino JOHN W. TATIX1R,aa a candidate for re-e eetlvn for tb ofiSee of C001I able.In th rifth emi pitirict octi-FOR COX8TARLE.VK tea .et bar lied to annosnce W. H ERTDOKS, ascandldtte tor Oocdabi ot the tth ClrH Dlttrlct. Xkctwn tn March next. \"tFOR COXSTABLE.war .re anth rit-d to announce WM JAUE3 ss scssdlda te far Coos tb e ta th Filth Cl'll Dlttrlct at thetnanlij March tleetloa. stasn w-Keitnck.T Bae.iB..TTST racetTtd per aleataers Kodolph and Ta, ton' ISO pteeet Glebe Hint;. . I0O.plectA7Iatni . .(90 piece be-t Htnd-Loea.Fer saM low to s trade, byDOUG HEIT A ATDLXTT,yySl SankArcss.fiommerrial lltaftosTtrctSAT, Oeber to, 1SST.Co TTO!.... Darin tb at wrX, nalfl irtttT'T,tut lilUa Otlton ctancrd hindi. email tain, whenI th n.lnfjifxnpM'i to reallai, wtr aadajwaa8 orntt la ttfi etty. Ia Ntw Orant aaka of MHJUnfOattonweieBadta' SKcenU. TheaewfrtrxtrrnMCateeof esnrte, ef aalet rc\"Ktnl ondcr the wrlght of latenteprinrt. la ihUpotltloacf thUjt, haide-t diUrmlaedte ceat optratlont : bayert came roand etxjoUinf prlva.hat were Isfurmed that at tarh laadrqaabt rat t do illwosld be made, tad for tbe Itit two or three dyt of tbewetk. batUmtln Cutioa wat at aa abaolcte ttabd. OnSala-diy Eliht prlrtte di'patchee reached na from NewOrleans thattbed isanJ wit tlrenier, andKIdllas wtt1 lllnj ftr ten ceeti. Ihit lnt-lllifnce, together wt'the Ann petition of the hoidert, prodsstd Ut efiVet, an1yettrrdty atwtit one thtof avl bVt were toM, prlaclpal:atttnornU.orer 00 bilf Ul at that price, fma!lpirwU were anid atU and 10 Vc. The preral'lcsfKllBK Utt nUht wtt, tbtt ' tbe corner w 1 tamed,\"thit the p-lce rearbfd wnld be tatutaed aad laereateWe bowerrr.hetrdiKDOtpeak Irtittnralaely. Whcttertleprlrrh tailatalae! or not, a I'.ronc determ.natlo9exlua ti labmtt lonomt'O \" panic prke \" SUckimtyoVpredtte.b.ndtbrcoTMwjrthletiaadmne.BUieptperboaaralae'eia at the rid it it made of batabtle 0'0-t-a. .0 inlnntalae that s ladettr.ctlt,. bymere mooettn asdatti fThe New Or etat Crttetnl of the Hth aaya :Ourro neymark-tt'Mlarwttqnr't. Matters teem tobe tti tot diwntaaome'hingd Suite. Smiw cotton f.ct. r bare determined nUlo taboiit to tbe preaeol prtceaof cat om. and wu a mnee ylft la the prrt are er Paulthaa tattiSco It lamialfett that fae'ort caan t app arb-iorrib Irpatrn and expect that len cettl tit Middling will bed enxdllt r-tl T.lnt. Tbe itcnoce corenot appea- to reiieee thepreiaaro.Oo tb. 14th la Ne Orleant there were bst few bayrrIn the mirk t who took th jot 3,0 0 balet at Irregtlie prleet, thsnghmottly at SM10c for MWtliEg to8irictMiod:ing.TheCba le,len Mrreurjf ot Ihe IS h rrporta:Tterdir mernlnc th Minim and Michtnlca Bankanl th. firm ri and Eichtnge B.rk. httlog pill onnariTall 'heirireetr. annoanred tbeir tapoiioo. Tteeffect af Ul - wa- faroratle ti tn-tn-tt, and eootid-rtbleirtntactl nt took plici In the parcaate or 001 00 and tbnegotiation of onlrn etchangt. Prl: a edrascrd. a dtbe rati kei doted with animaroeed fe-liog audanar-wamtiie ney Therre ipit w re tyom the lit of ev-e b-rtothe Ittrtt dttet. l.isi.uou oki at.i ti 33 -SS ba'et 'he tamt tim- ittt ar, and M 695 bales theyear Dr-ioo. D- create tlace laet year. 10C ,067 baietilaFrHay tbeflrttdayf the week now a r-elew. tiemarket time la a dead a and aud wlih tbe exception cfib.ui 4M balet tell ctl-ny 00 Taettay, re -ilaed 10 aeery aaiet title Tetterday h.weTer. there wat agato-neabttot a tally if tbe market p rcbtt-rt hatingtoereed'd ta nrgttlatlng tbe nece airy fanda by la'ea ofExchange, end etherwlt tnd quite aa actlre demandtared m th etrit ptrt of the day, the aea at Ita dote'oitl c aawirdt of 1 500 btlf . tx'rem't from 10 in liemtk ar ibt entl e of tbe we-k l.0 balet,at tbe rtCowiar ttrim't-t IS ba'et tgioc: muiohc;UaiOHr; iUffillr; 11llc iHSr; U5UHr,SSJIIK ; .tIlet n$ltKC P teet yea-taidty tan verr Irr ca!ar. and tre are jno.\"r ally debtr-re irom ptr lenUI luig t - of tbe dtffcrrn giaile. WewmM, hw.r, rrmaik lhl the balk of the aalea raaiedrmm et llll fir lfo.d MidnUgto Mldd'ing Fair, thaiajtei cljtlog with aa lmprwTcd feeling and an npwa.dtendency.The Saeaanah RrpublicAi rrpoetaentbelC!h:Th we.k now nndei r-T.ew h.a been tbe g'o miett. taa cocamerciai print of Ttw vh'.ch I at erer patted orer.nreKy. N. ate iflcewaa rreat enongh to force tbe taleaor Cotton 1 the a l-r lmpotlbl!'ty of getting money 10pa.-for it bat preTeafd atingle traa aeloi. uptotbltdme we hate rot a tiati telelo report tince onrla-tet'cwltr aid withirnt aay batia it it i-poulhle to g.reqootatltaa.Tb Aegatta Dlijattkot Ihe ISth aayt:O i Prllt. ITthtlet told at 11VCI1P-IS. Since thatim the market haa been perfectly attgniat. and prlteate receJrd oatu notmrethtn lOorlOHenn beobtinerl. aad holder, rera-s tn ten Tbt miming he d -meed rather Imp-reel bathndert t'il rerue totabmltobayet'a ptlcet, and no atl-a wer. ni't.Th.Colambii, Sooth farolloa Careliniaa of tbe Uthlaformtnt:At It leitrdi enr Cotton mirket. we cao only lay It It11 a .taM. and the tula thtl a atinrg it at nominal pr-ee.. and ih-refre It n e Ttaln criterion at the trneralne of the article.Baooibo akd Rope.. ..The lemtnd it good anl Ihettoek large- Wa quote: India Bacglne U17 Kentntky nandLoom Bagging. 11317; Centacky Power-00m 18; Rope, Hand Span, 310C., City -ta-ehtne, 110UHC UcComb't Iron Tie SK orata .Wheat. ...Rroelpts for the week here been light andprint arm Weqoo'ea-toTJe, V hothtl for fair toprime, and chnl-e lota dry bright it 80cPLOtTB. v.The demand It good and it tally roatl to thetapply.bat prices are rapltly declining. Superfine, 550; Extra, 7 SOSfJ. T. Utrllton A Co. S3 60Wbiixt We quote : H. H. PMter, U5Uc;0eo.VHIer, UQtSi.; Dexter's, 30QZ1C; Old Bya 5Vc$l :SO; Bonrbon l3t Hi H. Mettae, SSQJOe. 9 gal-Ian. Dean's zag'Sc.ScaAA....Stocka light, with good dejjasd. Fair12; Prima ltjll V J Choice UK la loUJ btrreU it tole higher.T)AI- AXD 0BUSRED SOAB....15H16Kt.CorTEE....llKlefor Fair asdCtolce.Co....Etr Cam (0 to Sic, la sacks (0 ta (Sc., Sa-tallSOc.Powder.. ..reatneky Rifle ten keg lota and npwardt;1715; ander ten, not lota that flea kegt,$7 60; nnder-rekega, $ TS; Mining Powder, ten keg lata aad nj-ardt,7J; fitekeg lota and Bpwardt. S nncer ttrekegi ti IS.'TEAS....R-tall prices: Imperial $!$! 50 T Gunpowder $1 1 6C; Tom; Hyson SOcS 11 U, Black 6075 ieaU.PBOTIitoirs Clear Sides IS5U:.! Ribbed, 173ISc; Shoulder lffll5c.; Hamt llSglSt.Potatoes.. ..-eeeipla large, aad price con Una t atSOc. per butk el.Star GADUCS....AdTBceJ loSS for boxe; htlret,t3 to ZS, and qaartera SO.8Ariir....Wholet, none; Hal ret, dosts;Quarter, ti.WRArriB PAPEJt...rt Ue, I reia; mt-llam.SOc; amall ilia, SOcMolasses. ...71 U7JC. ror prime u oarreit.HAT....$Ufltoa.CHECIE....W. R. 1JX-; E. D. 16S1S5.P0BX....M -at perbbl. $t3M.Nun. ...Soft Shell Almondt, ISltMe a t; racasfI5M oeat.I3DI00....1 to l 60 a.8tT....Cotn. IntoUI Retail ft tosAlio Ploe, ,160lS$ieolBlotl ReiaUflTO.1 -Nets..,. Poplar, M 00; Oypreai, 153X5 jfetlo . Fine, t 337 60 1 Fine Floerlag, f TI 60; Whiteerne, dreteed, (SS $40.0RACEs....Water,Tl bbl, $JJSJ Batter, 5S trlugat, 1 J H ft ; Soda, lie; Bolton, lie.Tobacco.. ..WeqnoteMlttenrl, Kentucky and Ttimettee.ponndt and halt pounds at 3tH TlrglnU, fstad 'tgood brandt, 3lc; Virginia, extra brandpeundt.aOSIOc; and choice and fancy, 601 00.ritrtit Atmle Inure) SI 00SSM9 bbl.. Xanu-acturedfpure) tStS 60. \" .COBS XEA....From wagon pa t week at t0t$l 00.RICE. ...By the tierce MTc.l scarce.FEATHERS... .45 bt 60c; bat lltUe demand. .SoAM....Memphle,6Xc; Xatter7SKllStarch. . ..Ohio Pearl, 9 X .BACXI50....Mtton' $1 SS1 60 V grotl. -WOOOER WAKE....PalntedFU, $3 HPUT doaPllntedTubi,13ei'l nett.STEEI..... Spring, lJXt; German, UK; EnglUhBllt-ter, 30c; American Blliter, 10c; Caat Steel 36c.OoDAE....MinUla, 16le f. ft; Cotton, SSt0cStoee Ware.. ..Selling at l&c f gallon.Shot aid Lead.. ..Per bar,S.iSc. Shot, t ISI so.Mackerel.. ..Scarce at foil Biuret.FBC18HTS....Rate Irregular. Wa e,BoU: f'emif emphi to SU Laalt, C it too, 1 bale. To NewOrient, Ptenr 15c. t bbl.; Cottsa, Si 33 per bale ;Httaes, H\"P head; Cattle, $7; Sheep, 111 Boil, $153 A head.Labd.... Slock keg Terr light at ISSlOc., and boBarrel 1 La the market.lBOH....TeneeteeCamber!tnd.btr,)SMCI rt-BiytTa-ala (Pltubnrgblar,) 6c; Catting (hollow war,) 43c; Machine Caittng,6Kcfl ft.IIS....I. 0. $13 KIM, IX., SltBX; Blo(4JK cla.;aar iS cent.QASS....FrtnchWlndowfo10,tS60 10x13, $378box SO feet. Pittsburgh 8x10, 1 50 V box; 10x, t 75.Sail.. ..$, to (460 9 keg, according tpquaUtyfergaiters and Wheeling. 1LticaEEB Oi....l 001 05 per bbl.j Lard OU 130Train Oil Ute Wc .WHITE LEAD....7 toSK Wholtitle, And 8 to SXXo-taUl BrdLeadSK to se.Wau. Paper.. ..The ttoek 1 moderate, and comprise erery rariety of ttyle and price; demand actira, atJOcSJJ 60 V roil of yard, at la Quality aad price.OHicEES....20gS0c;Ag 1013xe; Batter S0Q15c \"Jift.Baoosn....Fanty. J460; Comman, (3350375doten.Blacx Pepper.. ..Wa quota at 16c V . with sma-tupply and demand.Lime....$1 10$1 35 f barrel.Seeds. ...Ws quote clorer at $10 H hnnel; bluegrata $3 60; timothy $t$5;;heiigra $3o0$!S0;mutkeet, $1 60; orchard $3.Stock Mar-ET....W quit good bee era at 4 to Sc.;Bog to Sc.; Sheep $1 60 '0 $S.nirr abd Leather Mabxet Dry Flint So;Dry Battel (e ; Green tilled 4c. Leather atatlonary atformer qootatlona.W. W. HODGE & CO.,SHIPPING MERCHANTSAXDSTEi.M.OiVT AGEXTS,\"So. 05 FroRt Row.octlS-to MEMPHIS, TENN.JmOTICE.IN May.l6S4, I ponchat-d rf Meaar.GEO. FLADERTT A BSO. a Htllett ACnmtton Piano, which up to tbla date Itpronounced by the belt Jndge of motlc tobe nniurpatved I tbertfora uka pieatare in rececamendlng them a reliable la thelrrepTentatloL. Ac,AC. tacttU-UIA,jyas tee-oto county. Mta.DR. JOH.YSOX'S IXFIRMARY,yon DISEASES or THEEYE ANJ) EAE5otpe r nioxvj-s.SEJ.F-SUPPORTING EAR TRUMPETS,ARTIFICIAL EYES, ETC ;NUMBER 15 JEFFERSON STREET.Two. Doors East ef C-aercial Hetcl,SIEMrUlS, TEm.oar l-daw R H. JOHNOW it v.DIRECT ROUTE TONorthern Texas.STAGES (ear Glint Ltndinr (Mlttlwlppl rtrrr,)Dl'.le. at 4 A. SS . retains thrones the -onrilhtrxtlty ot Camden to Wathtnsviti, Ark Tbronrb In 14soars. - m. bidnk, Armtt.aepS-dtly Oilntt' Landinf,TS w rod FishT71INE. lam ana rat a imn lot.aetld- wR. M SPICXR A ( hRHCerv at Mesasiiat-.CITATS OF TENNESSEE. At Xolea hHdln tbe rnerka3 offi. Chancer) aide of the Common Law anl rhan.crry Contt ot the City of JfRsphlt, Monday. October Bib.. p. '1S57.WUlam.Tte,CompUlaaat,VIJoteph R. Frrjwo, J. Q XelTI, Rkhtrl it. Xlrpy.tai-., wiwiiii , . juieu, ant ruert,Detisdant.It tppaarlec freia aSdarlt Sled In thi eta it that IhDejesuaal, jopB K. rerfnton , J. Q Nelll. Faint,admlnlttralar cf 0 W. Kosell, T. O. &tkTy, A. OWelb rn W S. Williams B U RaxILadmlnlitrtorefSolomon Risen S. A G. No-1, tnd W. R. Dtnrnh.rnoo- re identt of tr Slat of T-noene : it It ordered thattbey do enter their aparanee herein before tr wllbta tbeBrtt threedty ot tc-Bxt term af Mid 00-rt. u be heldcn th 4th Kt -ay la NorcmbT Beat. flWI l and elead.tDtweioriL.-lortoComplllnaat't.bfn, or loeaamewDlbe takea forma leased aa to I hem. and tet for hearts- eawparte, and that a Cory ct this order h pnbll.hed once awrk for for .nerrat ire weed lathe Mesphi Jpptot.jt copy - .JOBS' 0. LANIER, Cera and Matter.S. X. DuuotE, soL for coayit. acUC Iswitrptrial IMuts.The Zoono;rnpii.THE aapeilarlty ef ih AmV.tjpe orer Ihe Daguerreotype It unlterttHy aekBawledgtd, and ttey in tbeirtarn are totally rcnpsH ay tne -uiukafii, hlch Itthe malt afia new chtmltal proceii dacereTrd bPnletaorRKMMINOTON, and perfected after much laborand periererance.Thetep ctnre tre mo: e dear In their aniline, brl'Hint la tone, life-like in xprettlen, double, rtcbiy.colored tad eteatatly flaltaed thin aay ttyle ef Fbote-sraphlf plctar that It haa ertr beta ear pieatare to namice critically.CLARK'.t GALLZRT conlatat ererythlar rualtlte.erery coareBience aad rtcmy tbtt eta be dr!redbrob-Uined to exetol la th mt perfect dinner trry of tbeTarlout ttilet ot photographic work. It w richlyrepays Tltlt, and tepoctilly to to thote who detlre ar-tittle picturew can alto at 1 ore the public that Prof. Remlastoa laIn poee.on ef terrral rrucearea and nuttrlali la bitart. that no other eMabttbment In tbtt pirt ot th coon.try ro-mand. Aiaeonteawnce. ho It tnabledtaslTea beaaty, flalth and lift to Ut picture teat we thill israin look for front other arUtttaire them a cali and 11 re f.rjonr-et.CLA 'KM VARBbB BLOCT,esS OrnerMfn and MtH-o e'netiIlnbea. CorpuslTEBLTTmau.\" t.Ti- thebidy.\" The Negro withbe Mortar, who bta to Uoc pret;d-d erer tbe DraStore near the Wortham Haute, I trine ted tb No MMln street, tonth of Fawn, wber hnadied are de-lltbted to aee hit aareeaU looking face.H 3. Hagbet, D-. T McGows, or the polite and tc-mpllthed derkt, Mettre. A. Ey ih aad Jeba Wright,II be pleated to attend ta tbe waata ol aRoMcstU-mera or wait npon tbe pohile day or nlsht. or Medrdne put u la th mott rtNbe maaaer,tt-Ue loeet cttH priori \" Thi ta the place wheretbe ramooa McOown'a Docwood and Iron TiMc Better.permtn tcur for (Ihllt, Fenn, Dytppta, Ac,Stomach Bitter, Eta-ne of Tar, GoMen PeeWrtl. Ac,AC. ar prepared and aeld.Sr. T. McCO WN'S otrea It at tht Drug Store, wherebe may he found bythotowbo detlr h. prfee.oalerrrce. eps-imProf. Haskell Electric Oil.A tapply of this woaertal Jfedlct-e far the care ofRbeamatlim, Deafae, Pet. Gorst and aS net root (Hi-.ettet, Ueadache and Pahu. hat been reeei d be BARBIN A CO . wh-re It eta be obtained. Th aalferlngthould patch tte a beUle bamediately. See adrertite-ment la anothtr column.Psor. llat HELL-The foHewlng te,tlmonyla fararof Dr. HttkeU'.' Eledris OH la f aralthtd aa fa: pabHca-tien:Psor. IIasiell tVtrSir: I feel It to be my duty taInform the pabllc, throea h yon, what year woadetfsiElectric Oil\" hi dine far my family. My wife haabeen a'annirgly troabied with faillogot the womb aadpain in the back atd breatt. I boeabt aae bottle ofyotrOll yetterday. and te-diy the tieeX'rety free frompain, and rend b'rwtrrie-l repeta for yenrtaotexand prorpetlly. I hare h d a rheamit'c pain tn nrth.uMer and a for a kng tin and In ten mlnatefrem th time I applied yoar OU, the pain waa ail genlt!t truly a wonderful remdyferall paint, taeh aawehie-b.-en t.fl iltg with, aad I cheerfully glee thUUe-limonU ot it esecta.O. T. SWIFT. Merrill neatSworn and nhcribed before me, tblt dy, Jllhof Jaiy,IS57 LIBERTT WAITE. Jat'lceof the Ptaee.Sach tetllm.ny te-lt an \"o'er true lile\" worth 04.nil of made certldcate all orer the land, and a greatwa-eff.Po-tile by S MAN-FIELD A CO.. 357 Mile-.tTry It, y-tuffs-log .nd ta cd. oc4-dawIyNEW PIAXO STORE.'HE STODART PIANOS.P. FLAVIOHAS the pieatnre to aaaoance to hi frlendt and tbepublic Kenertlly, that he haa been appelated by Vettrt.Stodart A Morra, ot New Tark, Ageat for the tale sfSTODART Pf ANOS.He it now opening at tk'lr iters on Adam rtreet. a tewdoor below th: Worrbta Rente, a large lUidt whichwhichIII bo told at .Yrw rort fricee.aepd dawfrn\"Woodland Cream,\"A POMADE for beanttfytng tbe nAIR-hUhly perfumed, tnrertor to any French article Imported, aad forhalf the price. For dret'lrvg Ladiea' Hair It hat noequal, gtring It a bright, gtotty appearance. It ateOentlemen't Hair to carl Is the moat natural manner.It restore dandruff\", alway giriag the Hair the appearance ot being frrth thaspooed. Price only fifty oeat.None genuine unlet timed. PETRI DOB A CO.,Proprietor ee the \"Balm of a Ihoutand Flowers.\"gy For tale by aB Draggltt. ea-17-deodlyChills. Fever and A cue.THE UK 1-, rb.D. no dltat Que c m- n In miat-sutlc dlttrlcia than tbe on her ea lion'd I a) perMar more or ltt tuhlci toltt 1'iflaence. aul paitlealarl.thennacclijiated And Bet'llb. tending, there are manypreparat'eat hlahly pek-n of at bex Unlet! or ibecure rf tblt complaint . yet, there It bh tbtt h.a tladthe tett. aad aon-.0 ra'ntMe at BLKUttE a NEHt ODRTOS'lO It 1 truly a T.lntNe ppptrifoH. at moy ofjr leading cltixna n Mempnlicaitetl fy, partieniorly\"bote who tne.k from e pet lenre. Striarer tettllag dbtrxtt or In the city ah .aud sot he-liateoaenum nt from nrorarlng a htMle. Eton the H(htrtttyvplo-ame'lmretajt-ta loag pratrtded tl kaeat hence thnecettityof Immediate atleatlea. Senat yen feel tba' pecuMar chWr itatlai alway. pr-oed-'dby a'taek of Feter and Arne, tak a eo-e of t eNerroat Tonic four timet a day the effect of -bleb wlliDrore the ecy ef tbe prep a-attm; and for t'otdt.Co h, Brenchltlt, Atthma In-aent, Croup, Whooping Ciuxh, Incipient Ctotnraptl.i. and tH ifrtlot afthe Laaia, a tne huahhuunu rt-nirlAi- At I'It nw e-ncded by all meteal prtctltinnera 'hit H\"tr-boad I 00 of the oett rxp-ttoraau new la ate, andIt being a concentrate: extract of Huarh and wtia ad-leeaata. to ren-ler tt pa!itabeeen to the yoaasett luteal la cttet or troop, it acta aimo t inaiaoitneoa-,reile lag tbe cbi'd lmed.irly no fam ly or lndir-d-atl-hould htlttte one m 1 at trem procuring tharaiaable preparatlea.Dlarrlicea, Flux and DysenteryBowr 1 Affect \"it, e u In th. i-ltdt fo' mi. are re-gatd d at among the o t form af lekaet end dl-aao. peculiar to tblt or aay other almave and It 're-quently th cute ef otter m ire te ie tn\"tl n;lb-rrby laying the f ondllfji for a lent prat aetMehronie dlteaae Ptrtlcnltrry In thi., the et- withhlidrto M R 1M aged p rtvnt, who, trtminlfal efhe rona-qaencat that await them, are ditpo-ed to treatills- affliction with eontmpt. and regtr It a one etb mom nt and not for a time But tea mber, Beal'b.tbe rlchettble.ttag wecja tcqnl l and It tboireat tottkerare. Soon at w x3rtno Ike Hthtett.yaip-mtof Blarrhaoit. to 10 lmmollately and parchate abottle ol Dr Sl'dge'a Diarrtott Syrsp. on doe ohlch. If tttrn tn lira. wlH rei-ee tbe mott ob9t ecue. and aboald 11 contian. tire B syrap eeery twnor three hoar, yo will certainly and rHef Hit mil'rod p'et-ant, to that cbl'dren till ttte it w'ta impunityAny or en r ire aonr jteuteiaescan oe xouei at aiIke Drag Stores In the principal cltlet and t .watthroughuat the conntryRmmarioinqairier \" ur n'eage. RerrouaTonic,--DrSledrt flotrh end Pectoral,\" and ' Sr. Sledge'tCha'era or Diarrlaea Syrup.Fieparsd only byJ. M. SLEDGE A CO.,Sratti-ta Mempbt, Tenn.,T- s met t a4drMl octTtwo Ha-dred and F fty bMt. Dean Wbltky; 100 .Hda. do. Fur ale low ta the trade byauS JIANCOCE, CLARE A CO.lev v.ll iJtM. R . irrie .11 m,!M TJb SOO oaUa and half coll RKhardMB Rope;a) bale TwinFor aale low byauS nANCOCC CLARK A CO.IFTTcatkt Clear Side Bacon;100 bbl. Me fork ;to tierce sugg ana smun, uutnn at uo.\" mamt.For sale byauS HANCOCK, CLARK A CO.mHREB Hundred baga Rio Coffee. Por -tie byanS HANCOCK, CLARK. - CU.0NEnandred and Fifty kg No. 1 Leaf Lard;1000 package Star Candle.For aale byauS HANCOCr, CLARK A CO.T7IFTT hhd. Loul.ltna Sntar. For tale beauS HANCOCK, CLARK A CO.H. F. FABItfSWORTH & CO.,Wholesale DruggistsAPO-3!OAR 3SiNo 1 Front RowTTATF a eery Urge and complete at.rtmert of art l-II elee in le Drug lis. u aaica in- y can ine munition of Vreryady in pa ttnStr Thongh et -lltAT COST, car nrire ar retvmaoiei a ice y uai-tt of oar article cbtrpasetiJy OALL AND SEE IJUST RECEIVED,A TNO. 7FRONT ROW.f GROSS taperlor Trait Powder, for ale whole.i ale and retail, byautSB. T. FARNSWORTH A CO.r ft BARRELS Cepperaa r. A W for al byt au.S H F. FARNSWORTn A CO.,10CARBOTS OU Vitriol, for .1- braugS H F FARNSWORTH' A CO.500FOUNDS Cream Tartar; fer ' byaugS II T. FARNSWORTH fc CO.50KESS Ncwcaatl S C. Soda for tale byaugSH. F FARNSWORTH A CO.20BAOS Black Pepper, for ul byautSn. F. FARNSWORTH A CO.10BAOS AOepice and Race Oles r. for tale byacga ll . r. ratntnifAiu . vyw.HUB LET'S 8AR3APARILLA. Soperio- 100 dotentor tale y - H F. FARNSWORTH A CO1 10 ARS 0,t)C0, approTed brandt-fo talt ibyaaaSH F FARNSi ORTn A CO.YiIPKS bar.el genuine North aroilna. for tale byJf eocS H F. FARNSWORTH A CO.r AWTERNS A large lot, ald to belong to th -tnow-Nothlsg party, for sal- by ' \" .,S H F FARNSWORTH la W.Pearl Starch.MADE from Indian Corn a beaaUfal article. Fiftyboxe f or aie by .H. r. FARNSWORTH A OOf,jjjj a 7 rroai now.e n A CASKS Kenaett'e Ale In ttore and ror tale oyOil II n H. POTTER. Maln..t.mjj -nw TBtTO ooornonaoi mnw- iii100r)Aff- t-moa Syrnp tntt receited ai d for saleb- B n. POTTER, Mun-tt,bitd itwir North nr Wnr.btra flntemylFLOCRXOT, COOPER & LEAKE,WBOLESAEG 12 O C JE M S ,ABB .Commission Merchants.ALSO,Partlcalar attestlon paid ta recrlrlng and forwiTdtn.Jjll tsa Main t trret, Memphlt.Just necclTcd.BUSHELS Beat ted Ry, bytep FLOCRNOT. COOPER A LEAKE.525050BAGS Choice RW. !ei\"e, low to tS trade, ortepM FLOITRVOT, COOPER A LEA XX.10BUDS Law Sos r. f r at'e byrp PLODtVOT. CrVIPSR A T.E ATE.On. HALF Bbla.Jtrho ed MoUvet, by .AO aepM FIJiCRNOT. COOPP.H A UStKE.JL BOXES Olt rr-Ddy, t rta.byeJU apI FLOCBNOT. COOPER A LEAKE.100BOXES Virginia Tobacc, for iv'e byep22 FLOURN'.T. fOOPBR A LlKE.ONE HUA'UKKO ar. Iwlco tu l oOv lo. aiim .w, DJJ14 FLOCRNOT COOPER A LEAKE.rtiM UDNDKEU InxetF.x \" n larch o ceutu--J m-nt s-tt for aale. bylyi4FLOtJRNOT COOPER A LEAKE.rrtBIRrT-S'lVR HUNDRED Coin la tcrcaaX lot itit, byJyt4 FLOTJRNOT, COnPKTlim hocabcada Saaar, a.aortrd\" -rad t. faeaaieJ by OylO Fl-HTRNOT. COOPER A lbaab.Juat TttrceivedaTTIIVE ctlll Oinrtted ntm In ttore and for aioyX\" Jyl T'OrRVOT CwyEH a.ta.i5.e er hbLS. and M bbia xotaaeea(U1UWhisky. For tale byHANCOCK. CLARK A CO.styltFor Sale.d A ACRES imprortd Babnrban Property, -jit U and B half mlc ncrlh aat at MnnpMt',D-ar tb new Saltish rwd. adlotnrs to propertyRmith. Voorehead and other, ta lot- ta tnltmrtliturL .TermaraiT. AnearlrcanwiTiemnrap-r'Siln. Fr partlcn'ar ieqoire of th tnbteriber on'llsprerabw, orot H 0. Oayoe, AnetWm'er. Monroe- tttuA,jtemrni. jt -a. uioiuoolS-nacllanroitSeSomething New.STRCP FKtM ins CHIN MS KfJGAR CANR.APRWpaekagr of the aba-o art tele, attde by Dr.Therataon hi nttntai a sea tae etty Fer talenber by to barrel, a .tr btrr-t. tit B tr ttuL Itera-idMd tip rtoi o tfaptt Syrwp aa4 aay r ualte-tral to .nturw the prtftres to any tbe Syrap lot tableate. For aale by JiaM .OIM.oetT IwiM.rtt-aMEAIPUIS FOUIaDlWABDMachine Sliop,ADaMJ BTREBT NEAR 'HE BATOC.H. FHEI.O.V,rANCFARTCRERof MtatMn-ry BatlB Saw MWt,lVl OmandCor-oeiFae oT Mae-(-y F ree tnd LlMP.of an klndt and Ot celar Stw MM, wi h.ue or two Sa Ct aad WntaeM ln R .lll.r. e-my RtHing n e Fraa'a, Wlndw Oav aad Sin aarb or Sil t et Ttrb-ot aatteroa; ni Taan.. tte CarWkette far pat nter. fr.Mh- aad tjfjrl r; ailf RaMnwdw rk den Air Wif-MI-lrr tnrtl-b hagef all ktoda promrvy tteMl to a attomry ntMaad a itrreateoaatof etberw.rk kH o ttaa tahaadtep:iairDOCTOa It C. CHURCHII.Ii.Physician, Biirceoit aud Obstetrician.\"TtSBASES of Pemtl. t and v'bMrf- recrlt -apreialAr it ea len. .ta oa Mala .iref , erer J n WWtasa A Co,\"or Re.decs at Mrs. b'mit, SCtdtaoa tlrrtt.octll-y 'Wtnttiff.l anighly rxtaMe y.a nan a tttnotlonwot-e-t r. P. r ra-.v .. k. ai iy-n m4f genrrally a-.tnl; it g,. d Peevaa aad Mfr taeo aAti. Rferesee- of rV MsheM rp ebbtit'y Me\" ri' p. p ynj tt condoct. er itton ttiM-lmTt'llllieriltil'e Itrltilrt.TTST Raceirtd IS bbtt Oi..g. w)miI St \" Ch rrr B-o-e-j10 \" Rfeckb. B-4y;2a Otae.. RrTheahoTeetabe fara-hid r. t.i ... ,i . k.woott i .toe ttvi or Jqejr., pM p boNw beoatTJAVBs BBTDIlyc anil Barlev.TTISESn SEED, Kje .OJ Barley, .ar tale beV etS-lwWARS A JONES.A Valuable Farm for SaleCheap for Casli ov TVcgvocs.THB m knows at the A BLR PARK. It mtm front MempMt, hi o-liteadetiooMr. Artae.t'. an IheMIMta Bot. It sf-fert for tale cbetn tor Cah or lie eoelealent. orSi be exehancM ftr Krr-i It o- rtttttf 1.050 acreof Lead ISO ne 20 J tcret if watch I cleared -try richtBO IIUtH. tl.Tb Bteea It wen lmar--d with a Brtek DwHHbs. reo-taiams eMBt roam.. wHk aH a eetttry rri-Vitwi ;seed weiit am eM; taw aaW a4 grttt am. andetVr tmpro amort.rerwatt dtrtg ta paeth.y, wW eaB m the Bsdorlfaet at Mt rettleiee la Ike Ni-y Ter. Ute tito--iw JtPIEPH ABLE.Ere- lg New eeprM. triCER nn'i triers.R. M. SPICeR & SON,SEALERS INFine Groceries and ProvisionsWHOI.SA.Ii AND BETA.-.NO. 2 SHELBY\". NEAR MAIN STREET.NOW ieelrtfr, (Bd wtR twin nam ear b e-Uei with ererr tniet. in ih H. 11weaikt.acan We feet e-oaWnt f a lb qx-Hey r roarrwttaad theprlera ll ladaeTon to 'r-te E ryrhtna new aad freth. t-le ed tnnmrT with area- ear-ji-.m r v -piraat jy oIlressMADAMECHAVllESTT l Ja t r-torord fr-m Prive .ad to'ieitiax ae to Idi fpti.ll' he ffF--sd.toner.. Er-rr -ITrt wUi kt i.Je. H wthher aw peexaweoi.\"i ret. te.eilag tatltf icti'-n. C I a- .'o 111 4 Mai . aiet. n 1bioe to o g Btre of It S Hth . ua rialra wtriKam at to Mra Carter' MM ioey star. ee 8- ImM CO'ILASOC W.IBBOSM E W CAUVtU.rOPELAND, EDMONDS &C0.DetW- in Fine1OLBSALX f Sterol r.1 vnJJ. T n n in c 1 \"4UqutrtAC'ItrtJ OJ-XVO, I c.tton.AKDCOMM1SSIOX nERCHAXTS,myS-lyia NO. 11 FRONT ROW MRMrmsGWEAT EXCITEMENTPEOPLE MOVING !GRAND RUSH FORde sHOiSrcrseautiful Melainotypes!ItEMEMtSR. be hat the enci'tire ritht of MemnhlIV tor ihl new and haB ltm -tile a pmn'CRemember hlaN . ISI MAIN TKET. oppjaMe thetfortham Hoa.e, ore r Jonee. Brown A tV .ESRONOhaa luttm-etred anolh r lot of See Locket. Pin., Fan -y Cate.. Ac aeplSTHE BULLETINCUEAl STE VSlRlHTfNG ESTABLISHftlEHT15 Madison Street,OPPOSITE THB UNION BANC,MEM-HIS, TEITITI-SSEE.THE ATfBNTION OFCity anil Country MevchantsAND BUSINESS MEN GENERALLY,UmpectfuHy called ta the anaarpaited fieltttlet cf lbBULl-ETIV COMP-V'CHEAPPrinting Establishment,FMiexUig trtry mtdern Imprare-HBt 1\"\" -VEACl Jb- JtESSOEaBr,EXTENSIVE PREMISES,Sli.llAlFi:Li WOUKMEX,Atd all ith-r deti-Mer.qal-l et, theCompaay bpr epar-ed to eieat erery deacrlptlon etprustthstg,FROM A CARD TO A BOOK,In the Srti tr of Ih art, tt thtLOWEST CASH PRICES.DE3IGNS P0H STOE.E BllilJ,Of ttte wt harartel.rsettrartety oft\"AN-P N..0VEL DESIO'SArd the bst tinted, ta be onM la the Slate, adaptedu ererr hnjinett, ant tailed lo erery taste.If yen reqalre PRINTING ef any kind. l:t the )ri belante er tmall, w tnrlt yon to nut thit estah ttbioent,bellerln that nowb die wIR ren .ecu re FETTERKOBE- BETTER TREATMENT. OR BEITZR TERMSTHE nCLLETIN COMPAXT,No. IS.Madl ton atreet. Me-nhl, yoa hare got Money to Lend,Ton can affjrd ta hay tmeGO OJD MOOZZSaWhleh yon win hare ampleTIME TO READ.THE Planter Dtnskter, a Tale ef Looillasa.Mott Site, ty Marl n narlasd.Barara Tiyiore wonJackawi and his Onerala of 1S1X.Party Lewder, by Baldwt.pintn Tim,Irrla Washlsdoa d rolnme.And many other new tnd yooit workt, for ill byLAMB, TOONG V CO.,octlt 369 Mala ttrtet.BOWEL COMPLAINTSAra promptly enrtd byMcGOWS ESS. TAB,AJsoioaso- olTXtn-ngs.PRRFARBD and told by H. 5. HtJGnES, DitifEUtSlrn of Necro and Mortar. No. 311 Mem-'., MemaM. l-nl7-lwlT-The Secrti Infimitie orYOUTH AND MATURITY,Jaat PaMu-ed Oit'lL tb lott Toentass.A FEW WOWDSONTHE KlTIO.XAI.Ttl!iaii,witbeol M-rtieln o S. ro-lon h- or L -cal e-l-. v- i..t.a. OtnlUl aud NlToO PebaM-tr Premata-e Peary or tt 'yetem. Impotency, and Impedimenta to M.rrl .e teaeealty nyuu wmm B blBF- W TaThl-Twwtia' fa-t txa the mAiy aU mtn, eerorUlnt-orlrmttlnc in '\"'\"V:-beea-uyremorei wiim-u. . . , V- .trmm et-arfr QriOitiraieu, im -rA C...t-i at aAooted br the AolWe,rally exp alo-d by a aaa .f whleh rrery oa It 'S\"iil'Et.rp-rrti aad at Ibo leattplte co.t.therrbr ar an ta. -......Sent to a ad Ire-, rrai-aod pt t free fcra e-l eorelepe, by remlttlne twopotUse \"\"rrtCwtawty IT fPf 1-1 rt N.r Vlk.To ntitlders, Cuiitrnctors, andfiRalcrB in Lumberware oow nr stred t forai.h a -a all all orrasnt to nt.wiin in nrater iiu ri4. imm-iii .t ik. ldwett caih rrkttn intffi B1VArct.-SmRnrxtrltl-, Tt-b.nlnn ea-le. Kit.SiO UFAWIYD.R ANA WAT, abaat tbe 34ta of Aecatt LCCT,B yellow woman, (taat haitt ahoot taentltjr yeara eld, welsh abont one hnndrrd aad fertrnonad haa larte black eye. peka land, and hata erar OP aa m mt art ar-... oare -ti.l toap 4 natie.-tterL. Bh w.ibjptht of Dirld Ky. ct.rOre-nwla, Mlta., ana w t-ppow-o Vj lit ret -jrn-ti in tealdirection, atues lha ral'rstd track I will pay a ret oa-tbls reward f r h r prhentian and dtllvty ta ma, atfor lnr.ri .tion ot brr. tt mt reillrjuv, ca- mil aonthaf FnTt-Ficxan-c, on tne rt tiros.act. If F. S LATHAM.,.r. rT-\". \" Mmpn.Ternm -t-Wanted.-\"'T WANT I'D Eood Wood Chopper, ta cot cord woe Sti Boaters Point, H sues Miow Jtopsi. TennoctS-lw B.W.PJXS.\"Slisf'clJanrouSaT IT. W1IH, , r,.rty, jiC4V'':\" ' '- H awe Xerehae.w. HnM M.rli e aad L re,-at Mk- k,w ,t ra a .kenany o d rfctnpaKtci AN fmrt inalli i l-i i lgir uaT can \"ffWILKINSON. TAT LOR A CO ,N to Cart .trt,B tw. Kant ud Pe-t, & drones,nitocjuiitTs,220 ivarjzA sti-oot.A T-,., 5 \" -le f3,04 in th. tr lU. .kiA , u mM e-naRawt rttaH at eery low prteeii. VH&Adnra. & Co 's nrlie.WE are ihl day In ree- in -f a uia,St ftrmmad by a'a-m, A fJe. Beti .., SSlLjZJ;'lb at'eoK n -f Titmfn a- -th-T wmm'mvtOA0 A J'tNH J MalBrt.Cliemlcal-.COVPLETR aioea of -hea-e bt aitty ,erired aad f r ate hp VJAD fc j i.M '1 Klr l.Fre-lt Crust ftttsut.rST reartted aad tee . h.r wtun a yosirs tLEA & P EX 21 1X8'CEUBRATBOORCESTEIlsfHRE SAFCBEXTRACTa altdSfvfraoraOXOBNGED BTOANNOISSEBRS,-U-te-ltatle-wiAt MAJ4US,TO BIB S-OTMRRatTO BE THEiWGeo-Saace,'wohcaaraa. May, .T-l I Bt A PRABD ApPUCABtX T l-rKIN' that-AFC aiahlTETXRT TARIETT-Ufa ui ia.aad a-t- me at tb- mtmo.Uitb:. te -tj a- rhOF DISH.-n.Ml wbote-jaihat la moittThe aaty Mtou awarded by the Jury ttr Now ritiaianwa nt rmn raate wa nM aed be l.ri aHltn.Is jar wtmCBBTHWIilllCit SADCE Ihworld wide lame ef wltuh bat-Ma IM tm aaaaerao. raUMuna ptaarrtarMB-tiqBMte4tot that ta-aaM c uka it raKRIXH .r- mw'M4 t-\" aad Stepper, aad rrt-d apea tne lata.note w itniile AeBl for rnll.l atee.John Duncan &. eBS,. . 0 BROADWAY, f. yA (lock alway Is ttor. AA- order., r. i a-wt thtpaeas ten Bnglaavl aay-lypMEW Xi) ELEfilSl'line Fall and \"WinterCLOTI-II-STG!STOFAIL & MITCnELLHIV mat -wvie-d a' th-r rLMiNS W REOrs;. aa tie re-er e M r aad Mala tivetm at eiteot to -d ev.-1 -t ik . f 9-Pall & \"Winter Clothinsy e etee o'er-rt fee t. -n ih nt r-..i ,.e'r. the -e-t n. uni lea aad late t ;.. eg tbe tallrmB k M te CM Dr-a Cat;We Ma tr i and l-mheo. IMk Brw Fro-kI ek We, aee owa Batw C- th Waodrd Fraek-w- a e -a-l r. Bt-I Hi 'a . I'oa-.A g ett Ta-M of Ha ri ea ar4 otbr stateCassimere nnslnes. Suits:\"OA\" 3 PANTS aa TKSTS, U mat h, w th r wlthoatnett-'e-NOL SH rrNT-NO StTlW Cata Pact, arT'.u pa tita a-d Tel-rte-B a a.ltadtd artta K.hurH9 rad s ,w.T-eTbe Urga t t. ek at theFI.VEST OVERCOAT,r rtrkt wtt, 'n XtM tadetlp irt' srmPaitoe. Oatttt, Care Tata.,c ,ifmb i a)AVESTSe-it In e-ery rttte. In aSare bl.rV tad aaer .rk. To eecV.t'aatee pl.Hi aad PraeHt Hi'ati. amt. Bans(Roth., 0a tmere, ,1iHnM, Put am, AcPANTS.A r-tor let of Sa k Eoeakiaa. mmt eatrbry aad aote xtta a- e; a lire it af -wry otark Ha iub, aad Aaertaaa C., zuint ttJeBt, Ap.Shirts and Furnishing Coeds.Oa(t n. Ltaea, aa M 4I e. , akttr aiw feac.eeaed, wu B- r. . ttan4m - iIm (W laeit Mart pi itaa I Fresc - cos;, fantrr aad u y mh p . .hrrt. a d Brawera: Laar' We .ad M r a. y,SMli aad Drawer t C It t,i- Kh r- a- ' Bew-rRietary ad eawew twtled Plv--' Uttn. Mrm\"ott-a aa rf Met.; H-Mte-.-!..r.Ttl. TV t. Oi.. Tr-mhta i-ta.lert, Otmf r'a Sc . j r-iB ur--l trIDIA nUBBER, CI -akt. Ltas aad Ctiv and a Urge lad atET Paat aad Jacket.; 11 Mae S I'la.! rmttand Jark la fnrTedera; and a etiera' avrtmeatadTEC JL . 1 't-t a,XT 0-3P5fBOOTS AND SHOES.TRUXKS, VALISES, CARPET BAGSBuys' and ( hUdrcR'j CUIhinof erery ear!- The Imert Meek m the SeaO.ii9unTT an or -bl-l w- oC r at raaeed price for Caat U Mlra ai \"et.flSTOV.1EL. it JI1TCHELI..M-dlwA BEAUTIFUL HEAIo rRicli. Glossy Hair.Cerapletely rmcrvedITO THE GBEATEST AQiA ND who that laara- woald tot h. K rtaaA. j-1 ' rmer . ; rr bal-1. cat wonM hare ther atored r teoa!lt wMh daairarf tad MHaa 'waM htre It remeted ; or I nb!-. wl'h tc-tla. -cohead, ar a'hereraptiok. bar waM be orr ar I'-lekh each 'a araga)br woaM be ear d It a Itita reraa e til p'aipiei nam tm taoe tad atta. pro.WOOD'S HAIR RfMTWIArTTK will do aft ihl. Secircular tad the taHawtag :AB.1 ARBOR. Nun attar 5, MMPbop. O. J. Woor p arse: I bara Wild m-iaH of the woade.fal -WrU at jaat Mare ReteraUbat kattag urn a of -n cA-ated by aaakery aaa .aa-t'.m-, h.lrdr. Ar , I a. 'k-pov i rre -.cRe.Mor.tive la th- amr ealeaory wA ta IStaainl ar.a I d'y-trapete4aaaek.Btdlaa. it I' 1 met y.t Lawraee eaaaty taaae aioaiha -. whea yon satno -ach aoaraaae a- tn'oeed - trial f raa- He uriur laity family. a-.t hrB-ys- od wtf. .tt. h-iad teoae re'y tbla an ' eatir tr w-e. aae . xhaa. lat a of roar larar bottle, r balr wat ree e..arlyto ita artaavtl beaat tr-l heaata etSo-, aad habiekeaed aad beum h aa lfal aad s'r aaa aa -tireleaw t.e head Sbe tm A ua- las e tt. a 4 Mm\"beraateof -batfla.eet. upon ihe batr. h-t beanx ef U A althfal ad etM afna tb bead aad art' tfi'h r of ary t-i-ly aad let rd- tr a l-a yar H-etcr.te wi h b- tapp4e tffeet; Urfee. a. eketXi- tin aft deaata la referexer ta ita rharacr aad ra laarc rat r-ly renwred raad I eta aad e meat naiSJallaad aadeataBt reteanaead tt ate br a wfce wahelb-lrealr leeWred inan'Metrrw Ih. tWkaett ee are.) a .timl celar and beaaty, aar baU yennr peraea wba waakt at tbrtr hair keaaittaaad glotty. Tory Hay ad srtfaiy taara.SOLOMON MANN.FstE.D Wood: It wat a lent tin aftr 1 aawy sat BtafSeid I tet the ba'tleef Re ktratl.t rowhich yoa fare me an order area y or atet . a. IVtrataad wtea 1 -ol K we carcmdnl ta try U ea Mr. Man'hair, astheauretttettot Its power. K hat deae a thatyaa aM red me K wewM da and ethere ef say fas dryaa.f tteadt, harlBS wllneeeed . a esect. are now aarrecnmiseadina ita a e to othr a eatttled ta the Usbeat coa.kdeTaUen yon c al a to- KAjaib, very rttpeettaBy and tralT ymra,SOLOBON . JmUIharoaaedProf O J Woe Horr Ri !. aaehar a4er-d Ht wtoderfal err eta My hair vac teeaatar a I t-M, pr-eial-re gray tat by the aa-M RebrtHre it bt r-ed tu orMaal aster, aad Ihare no daabt petnuBeatie toS. BRESSK, Bx-Seaatar IT. S.O. J. WOOD A CO , Prw arl.tara. SW Braadway. Nlln tb treat N. T WlreRtlM.tahMfmetJ tarIt M.rk t itrt Si L olt M. P . .11 nwl .-r..aa 't.w'HI.jtOiiljL.V .SlCLLAiVD BITTERSTUB CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY TODISEASE OF THE KIDXETS,LIVER COMPLAINT,WEAKNESS OF ANY KENT),FEVER AKD AGUESCCH at Indlzet'ioa, Acidity of thSt.ia.CwrF-laa ITnrlnni It or AaaeaHe DapelideOrxttreneaa' BHnd and Rkwdtnc Fi&a. In N-eatOh-amatic and Nenraltic AfPeilen. H bat ta worrytatance pro ed bljhry teneflclal. and la ether mttmyl adecided ear.Tht I a purely rentable compoaad. prepared ' n etrt\"Vly tctentl-e prtnrtpl. a ter the aaaaaer ef 'b - rtttoHtral Prorea.m- Run re BXaate ef tt freat ar-ees tn met of the Rnrepean JltteH. Ha latmda oa intothe DBUrd state waa IBteaded mer ere-iai- r i -ofonr fatherland teattered bf and there r the face ottMltnlxhty coca try Meelfnr -lh eret- . tsvtthem, I now offer It ta th American pbHe knowtexr alIta trmy wivlerf metaeina! Ttrraet mt oe11 red.It 1 paitlcnlarly reeostaended to tho pr wheeecn-atltntlona may hare been lepalred by h 'kiattanoatme of ardent apirlt, oBr rrm oi ub-p--GeneraBylattantaneona In 'Sect, tt fla-t H wey dlretl)o the teat or ir. thrtBffiiriM tatex or ere arailing ap the drooping trl.lL and, in fact. Is Millar sewhealth nd rUnrr In the yiem.Notigx Wboerer eiprcta to BH m b oe-tra -uh dl app-Atl t bat to the nek. weak a low cpirneaIt win prore a trtlefaJ aromatic etrdlal, poead-atognlar remedial prop ICAlTIUi..Th treat poral-rKy of thla ddiahtml A rest has bB-dneed many Imitation., whleb the pawia ebeass gaana alnti parchatlsg BV n. peraaaded la bar aarthtaeitenattl yon (are rlres Boerhaee' lleBaoJ Bitten -arair trial. On bottle wB cuarlB yon how illnH.lstaperlor It I tn atl thete imiUMaa.rr Sera a Si per Dotue, or tlx aatuet tor na. oy urSoJ Praprleto-BE.VJ1IS a'AI.E, JIC, & CO.,MASCrACTUBI-OPharmaoeutistB and Chon-iats,PITTSBURGH, PA.TTf-Sild in Mrmphl. by S MANBPISLD A CO i-a by WARD A JONES and G. D JOHNSON.apT-dawly$100 Reward.STOLBN frem tbe aab eeiber, tn AorU. enth Ml tt . mile b-.r Me-apb:.. arc. DABE. BAT HORSE MVI E 9 'f ait. Alto, f om hi nrestai fuar mile w.\" ..itt.ath et Meenht. aa th 12U at A ga t a KLA tUuRSK M' E, m-oHsra alae, nlae or ien jar. cH,wnlh cat with tb- MtTh-abjre era ard wW bpall for las app-ebentton afbe thief or thierat aad tS aeh tar the d-rj-ery ot tb.malta A. G EU 18aeaSA Ira Caae Cirefc.JVoticeIF0RBWARN any pe-ton from Iralieg for three ptomlttory note ea c ted to aae b arm. R Cllaten cfPanola eoaaty. Ml., for tiXar. ataatd Bole- tre IBtbe handa ef Rnbert O Btta. ottaid coanty, who rin.ta rtrlbi ta oy a-ent. I tlj for -am .ay pertucor Brm ef hnilng aay cotton or aay p-ndaealraam'f trm I the taid eoaaty. Tb tffenr or the rtllread r -nlngfiea Memphis to sail roaaiyrertn g tbe iiaral'cdcn aald farm wm deHr-rtbe aaa lo i merchtntt r acrnt lo Memphis. Boariuatmpooed hlafathe paUie at my asm .ecx-lBi . JAMETTI \"PTSON.rtsn PO\"TPHflAT;hrVi-i-ND-ONE lrCNDBDTnOCSANDJrS1ELTV Vof-vrHSAT.-forwtii tbt hlghtfiBaiket prieawHlpc psld la caah.DocatASi dowtu. a co,.pw-tM t55btH.IMilM T day .te. SB ,a8iAPfFor Jlfcksonpitrt and all 8ains 'on White UlTer.'pBK a tteeaw RNlVRN, f-4-iTt tartjet ee e.-u.. . r 7 rdor la, w W. HJOi W.I fttt mm -w.ic.:;vi.arMEMPHIS & CAIRO PACKET.VORTHMKftR J. F MtTt, vlr-WlIXIteeMeqwI-'wr- MOtBAT . W\"\" 5.adTBdlUBit If MTI t. t A f Bt ' W.lo'.laeA aad Clra awry WTHSH T.Ml FUIIT irii fl-e ar.r-ivtrtn-r .tnttTlfa.cCt-Sw M re e R, w xt Oeara te-For Xw Orleans.Car IM the V. S M.tnw iiiimHtiietear Aar-xl-iMrr, ca. Ot mm toiaanaa rSAT1 BBT.SVISBW aat-aawr:Hi4f. O-SHii n a ta tretral lawOata- Nor , \" \"s MRtaealas. w-t in-a f r S. at erery alternatettQefDAT Hn in aaeraw:M.ay, t et.,r rt s AT, A M.R T IMt.ts Aatertt..New QrHea. aad Ca WE vMH F ua BVw.3E - o s ta . 1 ci rrhHrwlay Pckft for St I.ouis.JUIUtOAD LIGHTNING UNBtOI'EAX SPRAY,( Mftl VuilT)itMt4ttlttt.ititttr'f T. 0VTkaaew taaiMHI (tM raaat MpAtT paebe wM I aoe BTBRT I B....PStstT lar tb a ban fTt tymirm WffMil SlitalaaOapa riiidikr x. MB-FAB8t .a' , .- Nw ia-r4...4 anS es eot maeaiatLATAtL\"E ItlUsr A 0 ,tro WILUAMS A IO.,Ac-atREGULARLeaisTilic ami w 0!ras Packet.CalveCape ISwardna.S. La.KAiiN i30 V , P. MUMfT, aaa(r..W. W WW\" fnt. -aat m ta alptkM haelac aadu -. aart, ba. aaw a 'ered fk-redeaiiianaiarpr amr rbc aatft. H iaat at daaartaee air. he rwt.rr .it a w, amr aseau.Pa IraigM ar patar. a-bavt wtli.i jea em .apt a N 1 to. ar ' R. wIS57. I sag.lIcY Orleans anil McmiisPACKET LINE.TrTAWKm. for tW Ukfi. .-yyort mi4 4 tm tfm-HB MEMPHIS & NEW OPRAN3PA.CKET TOMPANYr aaa.w rtaatd 'b-awNt an. .nr It iaefvH ettih tkane nata -.fee. e- a i a mt aad ibe wan ad afr tv. I i Oe aaee, tketrb-a'a wm b- i ictaiM at, aa , i-d fl ee y aad rw ealy the- H'lNBtTS BN8tATA tadlatT. .Mr. mTh tat. mhIiI th. Se I tttHi tad tr atraaced ta-traaMSawe:WC MWATS:RACA... ... A. R ltm Matter.W PSA.V.U j. b. ctax.Me.\" wiMrasir:tWS MUMM r B Matter.SOM.tR. j w. Aeix. \"ON FBMMTS:' R W HU. .T H ttwiu, Mwter.P-PAK....... .....W wbat, -lb Ouaiwy bar la aAbllaii aw a raarrd wish tfcb mt atnm tipa-ie.. at rmm tm thm waa eoaa wssa Mr-ta. a tarn iai fy mt Oatetnd V It. leX aaty . ,mwM t Ibfe KHtl U ta a -aowi at lar -b wtet tm- tramatr wa twt pta taflet. n.a ate atvd tblt waI'l - atetieat.i attea'K taniiainiiSililtim bi tba\"tab aa Paw aar era.'W kava haw. tt Ibnaab'T T-rba.M .al pe4d aadaFf traef ta I ewrKaced aeadraS aadM-eaaaaataaVee. ead rere-tel r-a.r' wiB ai Id ft theMer amai t t- -rrt r oa ft- tb wt .iBaii .tb eiatn .etrte aad rfmn of P-taeea. Sa ekti la. iiaai-enenar aaraa.(-rn ed patiaa.tbwAWtatwti tfiaipbli wWbe fe. St Immtr lmn TtM KtclMil'l; and wth tb Hntumta aad f-.rr.tea. tb beat.hit aad ObM. aad tb Mntlt. earf B'.a.da Tlf llJ w HrM BE, pettfeAPw all haaai it. wli i d with ibe ISa. aaalr at Skaaeet a he eaaaar taJ. J. RAWLINMi. Sec'r talTmimr, .M Miwby a --. R naSfci. M. aay Mi,tad J H PWR.etR. tIHWt AOWt.4a tv-r 1, a, r. BaeA N Oil' aa857. 1857.SfWHS, \"i\"\" ' vr -ffitFOMT.EE Gin. AHUnited states Hail.UW PRRSfRLIGHTMN'G LINE STEAMERSOUTHERNER,9. W. TRIPtBTT Vttrer.J. c. HiHr, aad sRtNK swrrw , \"..,RA-W rXPTtlt PTBRT Fwl.J'T KlaValt p X al-r I1nral me ar ,ra aa Ptbi; andriac al CAIRO t. mat eaaa.clttUb Traaa \"v. th Verrt, aad Ra.tlea- CAIRO aar LOTl-ril LK .-cry MONAT.sLrare. LOIT1STTLLE lar MRMPBIS eaery 8VMVATIr xWe CAIRO fer MEMPRU erery THtTRWAT atM '-ti. boat 1 -edsdtetM tra'e aad haalaerior af liwai adal i. attarib u ntbll e aaaaa vo.heTra-Mlac Pab tr aaa iwp-ad an' I bt. rat aatai1 at Be bear aaa a aaiay tae icaalsr ttaa aa' LATA-LBTTB, SBrRLET A OO . A (eat.nibY. Orleans. 5 Cairo5U. S. -TAIL. I, I MI.rHE ra ae boar tar ibe ehatiia. if the Mafl. eneSr, TBTS, at S atlMk, p. M., except oa Samm,r C. TWICHELL If. W. Smith, Mstr,VIRGINIA C. F. R-tsolm. \"Xilt teareetberp-t, l4w Orleaaa aad Calea, paaalaajai Va .-Vecfe' a. xPiaa. Cain ta New Orlea; , they wl aartr at MemSa Mtadey aad !-T mmr !rw OtteaM bai.dltlly after the arrival f ta 'tea, at S .'dhak, p. x.R'taratMr fears New Oeaaa wat irrtre at MMWtia i a dtp aad pae.. taCatra.L. P. WH.LADAT. PreiMdeaNew OeVaae aad Ca- Ma Catfay.Br frelfht or tap y ea aea -I or taK T RBttVAN. AeroNew Orlraa aad Cana HaM Lane,a.t,-t Na St H Fraa Baw.JE.l!O.VAKIlAXfiEMEA'T.Ri-pnlar Jlemph s Jt St. I.onls Packet,(.Ce-nnerieir v-trt M. Ic C. Rmilnei,RODOIiPH,fOHN A. WILLIAMS -.Master.J M lint aad R 8 Jt.HHOt, (Bt aLEA TBS MatM ere, r MONrAT,- o'e oek r X . arrtnar a 0ba aad 9.WilB tba a ante reaaitiltB wfat, eat See the North and Efct.U-- I tiro rar . am erery xvaavAX,at 4react; p. M.Lrare SI. Laat tar MeeapM erery F WAT. at 4'dak p. at ' \" 'Uaeae Caere fer MtatpM erery SARA T.m ati A X-TV..X1M ernlsh b aBtatpd ta ryed tad barPeter aes naiarl. far oaiar of pat. ear. TherateHac paM c can n ry a t beat mrairtag la tblarede, aad Btaktar tbe ataa- ctlea. aa aher. 'tatmi.tTALLRTTE SBIRLXT A CO ,aacl-3 treat.-osrL-.r-v- WolyWhite and. Little Fid RtTfr Packet,ErUSVILLF,RNER BAlRfl, Mtlee....ELIA TMOttt l\"e. Cerh.'H .aadtd PtS-ENB STKAMBR jPegJiUVAXSVILf B, Cp lit\" B-t, b.- fJV iiK .ea ibiin u b rept and r tae -JEgiSSS.a 4 wlltM tb L-I few .lt x .Tf Xi itir-Mle tar tbe eb'T t-ee ha. new tterd p raiaBrnt- a.. ,ta me, e\"d a Wt la\" there r tbe en,-re. Are. the Imir Red rtrer Wett-.nt and eee, erery Tt EBNeSSAT, at Bp it., anrrt-tf thenar.F.irfresbteTp...apptrone.-l artDAVTS. HULItMS A \"O., Area,.3! rn V\" S Rowan Raw.Memphis. Vvhitr Rher auu apui03TJ -S WATI. PAC-TST,HeB, -spar's Feist. Laconia Sr'oscwdiaSTEAMER KATE ,!\"E,ICmS T. ItBLRLBT. Maater....WT. T. WOOB. 0erE,THHaew. aplradtd and fttt Waat.r he paechated for aa Packe m,.u inapTevt ta plaeeef the la-Ms r ... -ateoattaae r-trt.rTT In -be trade '-..ini 1 1 1VetafM. --ry MONO AT aad FRIDAT at J aeeck p.n paaetaatlr ranaectt-- at Nasal- with WbHe adArkanaai eirer bnat. -aksac frrtcbt asd ptaersg-ra tctTMta rtrrr at -volar rate. RaraMc leare Napoha ererr TSJEHB AT aad RATPBBAT. arrtrlBg at Memabb' Smal aee Wedaetdtr emuac.Tbanxf'. for termer patmuge, the owner hope tooarlt a ar taaaaare f the - aae to thetr new boat, proakUW tte tetloai to baAaLATALLETT T. BIRIJtT A COA(e.Jfi -r a Hit I r 1 Tb. PrlbteW win rw..reMh natn on 'rt on Monday, and datg aha at -Ire day Tar-y. asa biii en o-ewe prH-y.-lt1 t Ur iixitrr. ite er arm or arpeete tixiTTE. ef arm or -araBeete 'J T Sbib-T Late of the Kate Frltbcr.S. G Darirmt- lot f PMaeaa. EeatackyLYALLETTT, SHIRLEY Oil.,STEAMBOAT A IV D RAILROADAGENTSabb rtfiCoEisdssion i. ForvrardlRg Ierchaats,ABDAgWs of Mempki- asd Charpste- xaBrvaiQ0te Ifo. ol lYont Row and Court ttrtttWare-o-se on Water street, Wak's BleeJaaB-lrCHARLES STEELE,STEAJIBOATtt !tA!LUOAIAeont.OFFICE AT ALLEN A M'BONALSS,37 Front now,MEMPHIS, .... TENNSSSErr Ftrtleata aiteatiea paid to run. las aad diaebarstac nt\"\" and adleet n N'l.R. T. R-DHAN,AGENTFOR THE NEW ORLEANS AND CAIRORiver Mall Packet Company,AiGE-iERiiL FREIGHT AGENT,No. 51 i FRONT HOW,Next door abort w. B. Rkrhme-d A Oe.t teste,irys-tfJust Received.A A BS.-S-retCier,tr ,-- taat . \"jWallut.. t i-t-lh We bam Ur aaa.CiPi BOXSS-laaracktr!H O t3' Lemon Oeaciertl. ; -10 , .B-Jta.geackrraiAgent for the tale af T to F-tesTStar .IXOCB-TOT, COOP\" A LXAKT. .ep3-w Uli-rf\"'\"13.-Une.NNATIT. Balli'tW. rrfczarcnrsrtiat wFwirt learye en the-raft.\"! ataat BaittSM at I p.WMMODAppioe. a! al!at ; Ct-f EXPRBSSat S.vt'aak'att on haA 3r ar' at a-stead ot' in me.ta frertuentaeoae aJ V - Fhde!c!B.runnye-MHccae. andt.rintod-tD.-thoarFa.aeruncr o-Htwka-e lSHE NenT itB-atNewIT-T-r nj-. Lrr -t rahi 3 'aaurlawk,Mem-a-ti thaek a -a-da trasdB CtXefVtRaH-f!kp aaf3JP con' a\"4Tea-- t-r aSt.mtoBtadAA$11 153554b96e